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Show e e 29 A General Defcription o Chinay helding the tranfmigration of the Sou The RA - all adore one Idol gcal]ed Fe, whercof CI)Ul:a("(i oanlie:?; lnéo 3n0th.cr .They givc: a greater liberty to their Women then the Cbinefejg. %o & mit of them into any company, whereas the other will hardly fuffér them t ?1'r out of doors. Here alfo the Son or Daughter may marry whom they think fi without asking the confent of Father or Mother : which is quite contrary to lt ufe of the Chinefes, and indeed of all other civilized people S = . L r f f e T - natural Commodities wherewith this place abounds, yet the Inhabitants thereo drive no Trade with any other forreign people, but onely thofe of China an turn to give an account of the {equel of the Wars further Invafion of the Tartars, and the better to oppofe them muftered fever Troopsraifed for his affiftance out of the 15 Provinces or Kingdoms of the Empire and fent very great Armies towards Leaotung : And the better to furnith fuch vaf And thus much fhall {uffice to be {poken of Corea: We will now re The Chinefe Emperour, after his Embaflie to the King of €orea, to prevent th e s vi Here grows likewife the Root Guifengp a,n as 1s reported,are feveral Gold-Mines. But notwith{tanding all thefe advanta'gcs o 4 a year plentiful Harvefts. Here alfo are made feveral forts of Paper, and curioy Pencils of Wolves hair, which the Chinefes and other ncighbourin)g people ab Fapan v.-,."‘ This Ifland is very fruitful.in the produd of all manner of Fruics neceflary fo the {uftenance of life, efpecially of Wheat and Rice, whereof there are twic well as themlelves, ufe in writing -‘wu-"qm{k;f.' S Armies with Provifions, he caufed an extraordinary great Fleet of Ships to b b equipped in the famous Port of Thiencin, which were wholly employed to carry Provifions by Sea from all parts of China for their fupply; by the exad performance and oblerving whereof they had no want of any thing Amongft other Martial Commanders and Governours of Provinces that ha the Condu of thefe Armies there was a certain Woman who may very juftl be called the Chinefe Amazon ; for fhe came with 3000 men out of Suchue which is the furthermoft Province of China toward the Weft, and (hew'd by he Couragea manly heart 5 for fhe fought feveral Battels fuccefsfully againft th Tartars, having always the better of them: In remembrance of whofe goo Services, the Emperour conferred feveral Titles of Honour upon her And now at laft the Emperour Thienkius, being come in perfon into his Arm in Leaotung,and having in manner aforementioned taken care to have it fully fupplied with all convenient neceffaries, drew up the fame in Battel-array, and on {udden fell furioufly upon the Tartars, beat them out of the Field,and recovere the whole Province with lefs difficulty then was fuppofed or expeed, in regard R the Inhabitants, that had been moft miferably handled by the Tartars, joyne ~with their Country-men the Emperours Forces ; by which addition being be i A T PSRR The bodies of their dead friends they bury not till three yearz bmaf e" and pafled 5 and then they put them'into very fine Coffins a&'ec hu y &iple the Chinefes, glued up fo very clofe that no fcent can firike 'throur;] s% ; ;'g_‘ S A 41) ! ,'' come far more numerous then the Enemy, and having advantage of revenge they fell upon them with the greater rage and fury, flirred up thereto by havin before theireyes ‘the lamentable condition into which they had brought thei Country by Fire and Sword : And to fay all in a word, it was their good fortune, thatat this time the King of Ninche was fo unfortunate, that the Mautinic of his own Subjcéts at home hindered him from recroiting his Army, which ivers great Bartels had been much wafted, and he could get no Forces fro force himfelf; fo that at lafi being every where worfted by th plics, the Incroaching Ninchian was fain to fave himfelf by flight he Provinee of Leaotung to the Conquering Sword of its Juft an gur LHAP |