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Show W ¥ fa Tranf3ctions, asallo what has aft either in the City or.Coun and if th forbear.to give .notice of any thing that has p ft: to the prejudice of the Stat which afterwards co es to be khown, they are mof everely punifhed withou any delay or refpeét of the r perfons ; asonce hapned n ‘when we wer therey, that the old-Vice-Ro caufed one of the chief Mand rines ¢, be killed i his-Court, and in his, prefenc for fuch a Crime, and would not delay the eXpia ting the Offenders offenc by his blood {o long, til ecutioner could b ferch'd ta behead thie Ciiminal pe on,according tothe cuftom of th ~.Fourthly, None may in the Provin e where he is Botn-take uponhim the ffic of:a Magiftratbeu,t is admitte to be.a Field \Commander; th reafp whereof may be, left he whofitsin the plac of Juftice, fhould fivour hisRelat the Sonldier being at-home inhi -own Countrey, will F ight pro A is ¢ F ocis, an the moare valiantly defendic. - Th Sons of fuchas are Magiftrates; a e not permitted to go much out of doors, th t f they may not be corrupted-with Bii es | Fxflth] Y5 LThe Chiefes willno . {uffer any ftranger to contih e;in the Countrey who hasan intention to return om 1nto hisown Native Soyl, or is f und:to hol any correfpondence with Forrei n Kingdoms 5 neither is. 2 Forre ner permitte to comg into the heart of the Emp And. this is the éaule that no 'Str dares venture mto China ge otherwife then underthe p etenceof an Embafly; whic 15 not only. to. be underfiood of {uc as;are far diftant from Chins, but alf cven of their Friends , Allies, nd Tributartes, who pay Taxes t he;mo which {ort are the Neighbour n theChinefe Laws; and if the Clingy, they reftrain him fro Deabh. T Lie Ilanders of Corea, who for the moft par difcoverja Forreigner to have liv d privately i returning into' his own Countrey; upo ; pain o - Sixthly, No body isl{uffered to wear ny:Arms within.a City, no g}}(f,rés‘ppg Commanders, nor the. Learne Philofophers,: unlefs they ar Mat , ahnd going to the Wars. Neither are ,tb‘_:;i_'r,Hpufcs the Soul.upon th sArms i :or to ride Armed otherwile.then with a agger to defend themfelye ;a;gfi*ifi?l)f,E'-Iigh-wayw-men | ba 40 u6T v « In this Empire all Magifterial Oflicers wh tever, whether Philofophical, or o the Council of War, are ranked 1nto nine erde s ; according to which each ha monthly allowance paid him, either in Mon y or Rice out of the Publick Reve nuc; which in regard of the State and Garb t ey live in, is not {ufficient to defra the charge and expenc they are at; for thofeof the highelt order thoufand Crowns yearly, vetfome of them gro to be very rich Men have but but cer tainlymot by their Sallary, byt by: what is given them under-hand fo done, notwithftand nagll the Examinations aforefaid . Allthe Magiftrates, as well high as ioferiour, w ar fora Badge and Mark o refpet and dignity, one fort and fafhion of Hat which none elfe is fuffered t wear : Thefe Hats or Bonnets are made of Black ilk, -and have on both fides tw Oval Flaps which cover the cars; and are made faft t the Bonnet that they cannotfall off : Inwhich mannerand garb when the appear in the Streets, they wal with great gravity, notdiffering from each othe in the reft of their habit, .fa.v only that they have difl'inguiflling marks upon their Clo hs, whereby their qualitie are known to the In habirants, and to what orde they belong - dafily, youmuft know that the Chinefes, though. the Tartars have made them;fdvgs-MaRers of this Empire yet fit every where in the Councils ; the enjoy thei old Laws, Cuftoms, and Priviledges asforme ly; and it feems the Tartars fuffe this, inregard they find the Chinefes have mor underftanding, and are bette verlcdin goyerning the Countrey and People then themfelves; who on the o hand are fitter for War, and more able by for e to Conquer, then by Policy torul ingdoms CHAP |