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Show the Empire o Cu 1w a e CHAP et o V a of the CEREM TOMBS clean.sh data import.tsv out README a0o Robberies, s Whice "ight in the ftreets whic Sare uled to doz Y what hath beenfaid in the former Chapters, it may appear that the ChineB[e.r may be compared, in many things which concern their manner of living with the Philofophers, and Virtuofi of Europe: but they difter very much i thingsrelating to Funerals Among which ‘this may be reckoned the firft, tha thofe of Europe feldom think of their Mortality, and fo confequently take littl or no care of their Burials while theyare living But the 'Cbz'nefer are more {eri ous and {olicitous in nothing then to provide for Interments while yet they live and are in perfeét health ; and thatignorance may be noexcufe, they put down i Wiriting how they will have the {ame performed, firiétly charging their Childce upon their Death Beds, and even at their lateft Gafp, to obferve their orders Now there 15 one cuftom through tbe whole Countrey inviolably obferved,whic is never to bury any one without a Coftin, though icbe a Child but of two day old; forevery perfonaccording to his quality islaid intoa Coffin, made of th beft forc of Wood their ability will reach to. But per{ons of more eminency ar er Cada poo thei fo to repol ric fo at far greater charg The fiéft Ceremony they obferve; when they perceive the Patient to lye a dy r outw th int hi carr Mat upo hi \la ing, is'this, they take him an ie itcar thou m cuft hi -And laft hi breat t ther Hall of the Houlfe fomewhat of Barbari{min it, is obferved through the whole Empire by the Comdilich al ndin thft notw learn neve coul monalty ; but for what reafon o perfo fort bette th amon Bu ies inqui gence of my curiousand pryin equal quality with themf{elves is fuffered to dye in Bed: Another Fantaftic Son hi o cldef th laft hi ou in breat 1 part Sic th l is;wh her humou puts on his Boanet or Cap, aud coming to the Bed in a diftralted manner, tear lai hac i afre whic Body dea th wit ther et cove an n Curta th convenient time, 15 wafhed according to the Cuftom of the Countrey, and wrap te k ‘i I e v s e e e A inivnn D only forits colour, which generally is White, but for the formand fhape of i for Sons when they Mourn for their Fathers, Cloath themfelves for the firft monc in a courfe-fiift habirshanging down to their Heels,and tyed about the middle wit a Cord; after the manner of the Monks of the Francifcan order. But althoug they lay afide that habic then, yetit is a conftant cuftom for Children to Mour three years for their Parents ; the reafon whereof they alledge in their Books t be this, becaufe that Parents carry their Children for the three firft years of thei Iofancy in their arms, with great care and trouble5 and therefore the Childre dught td requice their affeétion dnd kindrefs, by thewing their duty in Mourgifn R ~ pat the Corps with new Cloths, and after they are Enbalmed, fec themat a Tabl well furnithed with Provifions of allforts 5 and thisisa great, but not much comThe ncareft Relations of the Demaendable Falbion, amongft the Grandees ceafed are invited to this {folemn, though moarnful Entertaioment 5 who entrea In the meantime th him to eatand be merry with them, as if he were living Priefis are bufied in Singing, and performing other ufual Ceremonies As to the Mourning habit, it differs fromall other Countries I have feen, no CHAPR dref wil an t vaga extr mor ye ar Som Sil o Linn cither in very fin |