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Show £ ' HE it L Y s 5 B OA P EL EEEES 5 '} '_ i i i i 4 4 i i H K ! b < S R oA I-Bd P 541 g24 B1NY 4 2 ‘ Ei Pet - - ft Splendid Dinner, who fent his Gentleme the Cate of the City, conduding them to hi Houfe, where he waited [Ina coming, with the reft of the Magifirates, an fome of the chief Command«;:el the Army. The Entertainment was cvery wa anfwerable to the qualit of Ltf Perfons, as well the Invited, as the Inviters The Governour and the Mayi fafe all at one fide of the Table, that the Sew rs might the better rem%verattlf Difhes and Chargers, without any difturbance t the Company, which were n {ferved up all at once (according to the cuftom of he Chinefes ) but only two at Courfc,. which was the fingle allowance foron Perfon - And when thg Stew d who waited always at the Governours clb w, had given the word, ever (meafr ] to what he moft fancyed 5 and when he obferved ceffation at the firfiyCour{C he made.a fign, and immediately the Difhes we e fhifted which was donc ar I¢ I L he EMBAss{oftb to requite their civilities, nobly Treated them returned their thanks, took leave, and went ack in the cvening ;o)tlwe Cit ; Ale?i the next day the Embaffadours, with all heir Followers, were ihviredyl; t? Governour to a m er- Ceremony of Complements had been reciprocally retu ned ) e the Governourand Magiftrates, that goog orde}r might be) giverr?;g:{}i(?mdd() furtheorfit hegir Journey to Peking, which they t[))romifed (hou [ ' ' ; The Emba{fi}dour -."‘v5 !‘A" " fixteen times, obferving the fame order as at firf3 mbbaafffa-a The ¢EE Duri1ng the Feaft there was both Vocal and. Inftr m dours nobl n a the Mufick, entertaini enterta rar the Invited with much fatisfaGtion ; whoa little before was brought in, arofe and recreated themfelves in t e Garden, were placed, and then they returned and fate own as before : I;,ndt lvg}:?; 511$6 taken away, every one drew out a piece of Mone , which together was to t prefented to the Mufitians and Attendants: Thi Colle&ion or Gatheri éhe laid at the Governours feet, who willingly a cepted thereof; but wh%)n th | Fmbaéif?fcs)ur& would likewife have prefente them with fix Toel of Silver, an tfig;reg (I) unt;,l? s, he at firft refufed them, bu with much entreaty, at laft receive This City of Nambun is very large, well fituated and fortified with Walls an Bulwarks, and a Bridge over the River to pafs c nveniently from one place t another. The City is full of Ido] Temples, and br ve Stru&ures; i fafv fe rg] Houfes, whofe doors were infcribed with t e letters of the name of our S: viour. Here is alfo the Emperours Cuftom-houfe where they receive his due for all Goods Exported or Imported 3 their Bills of L ding accepted, and fevera Parcels what ere they be on their words, {aving the ouble diligcnc,e of Haugn Searchers, as in E nrope, and dif-compofing by turning in and out o Chefts, and Fardles, their made-up Commodities. Ther i China for the making of any Farthen Ware, then i about this City; not fa from whc:r}ce runs a River, called by the Chinefer, Mekian 5 which fignifies InkWater, whofe Blacknefs it much refembles. The Cbz'n 'fw?x)uch efteem of the Fif which are taken in this River, whichare commonly ver White, confidering th darknefs of the Water. It is very troublefom Travelli g by Land in thofe pgart becaufe of the high Hills and rugged Afcents but the moft troublefom Moun ta;n of all to Travelover, was that which th Inhabitants call Mugliin, whichon ([jf t-hfc governours vaelled at his own charge, nd is now very pa\ffablz?, either o Tg{x} ~C'1ea;k'(fr on Foor. The grateful Inhabitant ereGed to his Honoura ftatel .o !\Pye r,C fr(: endtmg rich Qficrmgs, and coftly Perfu es to the Ido] there refiding A ver four days preparmg.forour Journey from Nambunr t of the troublefom, and almoft inacceflible Mountain : At laft having got all thing ;)caQ}f, they fet forward upon the eighth Inftant, wi h fome of the Emperour relents; Bu before they began their Journey they fent the Mandorire of th youn yollng Nanga fiay tl" beforfl 1 CaCh Cfl names gredte and 1 1 "‘my.mfi a\nd thi Nintha dours l Vel that ke and S Holla thenc betwi CESfro curioul delight - We ~ teenth fhall rel and qu Tow of Chek the W vinces thef Plund - T with ts 1 O thei othe Sout in fo Soul th'm I fixt rn ma Kie and L Fin |