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Show tey ---« W@WM« 12 . The EMpassy of t that afld cut dift certainty could better ake addrefes every f come annually t Canton wich four hips to trade there cellour Summone the Tartar a o give them leav Tartars were o Sia Propofals of th the Chan d Chinyg Council together, to confid Hollande' r, a"edging r of th h ¢ bein efident) thae the cvery fifth year t oughe ¢ come and falute he Emperour : mo this opinion, but t of th he Chinefes {eeme outward]y w ho , chae they fhou E€VEry nine years to Feking Imperial City ftance from Bat But herein t hey thou th underfiood that the Hol haye out-witted t e Tartars, for the ,y ders were no to t Co Jmp that the Maj brou outf Trade at Canton Wat finc wit tio o be permitte In the mean tim They Propofed a of Hollanders, the e Affembly, whe nglifp might not l her under the nokew came with four Shi four Veflels Jaden w th Sal mitting {everal ot er violen clared Enemies o 2l Silv no Em it was contrary to t e c ountrey to let the any part of the Empi have e, neicher dig it a pear by their Creden thing was defired; { cluded that they ha The Embafladoyrs exceed ere not a litt]e {; urp ized at thefe Procee for they underftoo ing no otherwife, but t Contents of the our had ¢ cording econd Mandator of Canton, fully agre formerly Procure d to the requeft o by the Vice-Ro the Hollanders con in Canton5 and that erning a Free Tjad hey had only thereu on to 20 and retur Majefty at Peking thejr thanktso hi The Embaffadour werec well enough figns and Practices of nformed of the de ather 4,/, 7 and fo e other Jefunites for fome years, and h who had lived ther d been bribed unde hand by the Portugueff the Hollanders in thi s, to oppof their defign of Fre Commerce jn Chin endeavoured o perf ; therefore the ade the Tartar,, tha the Hollanders wnde tence of Merchandizi ¢ olourand pre g, defigned nothin their Countrey, an footing firft of al] i afterwards to Plunde and carry away what le. The Embaffadour ed how that thef. Fe highly complained, t at Muczqp would b utterly ryjped and im a Trade, and withal overifhed by fuc ¢hat they had told t e I artars, to make to the Hollanders hem the more averf \hat they were3 p ople made up of f{e any Habitations, an eral Nations, withou only fubfifted by Pyr cy at Sca. But tha {urprized the Emba{T dours, Was to fin which mof of al themfelyes deceive the Canton Vice-Roys of their Moaey b to whom they had P id thirty five hundr which fum the Vice-R fver to pay the Chancell his Majeftie ur and fome other ' » Lo procur nd afliftance for a d ilpatc bufine(s. Now pecrcciving that were Trepann :orced to confide of fome other w firft thought go thejr purpofe; w d to Propofe t ore the at Cantony, and t unci] the poin of coming to T endeavour to e fent the: Mando Afterwards the ine of t] 1¢ ol f: adour freat himto fta ice-Roy t (o Jog gin eking baff the Prime Cbancc"our to.enri1] his Majefly fhou d be fully affure tha P[OC fiv wit cula yea 10 J wit |