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Show ed General Defcription o 16 e 05 e L r-- Er A - - T g .\?t,"" AP --- - o Y e T S 1. The People of Chinaare gréat lovers wherewit theynot only Seal their Letters, but mak impreffions upon all manner of Wit ings, Vetfes, Piétutes, and other things Butupon thefe Seals is no device, 1 amon the Gentry and Nobility of Exrope, neit ame Sirname, Degree, and Quality of th Proprietor 5 and with thefe Seals, to m k the impreffion, they neither ufe Wax or a y thing like, but only colour it with certain Red Paint; and to that ‘end the ch cf perfons in €hina have a Box of thef Seals always ftanding upon2 Table, up n which are ingraven feveral names every Chinefe appropriating to himfelf ‘di ers denominations. Thele Sigils o Signets are either engraven in the 'beft and r cheft fort of Wood, or elfe in Marble Ebbony, Copper, Chriftal, Corral, or the li e ; for the performing thereof ther are {everal Engravers very skilful in this Art, ho are very much relpected by th people, among whom they carry the reput of Learned Men There are not inthis Countrey any {warmin of Writers,but fuch as do ‘write are eftecmed Attifis of the beft qualification the Ink they ufeis made of certai hard Cakes, which when they will make ufe of they rub upon a fmooth Marbl ffone, witha few drops of water, il the colo r comes off, into which they di their Writing-Pencils, being made of hair, and f tly appropriatedto the Wiritin of the Chinefe Chara&ers ; and the making of th fe Pencils, but ef pecially of th Ink, is amongft all there reputed a particul rand ingenjous calling Other Handicraft-Trades there are in Chine, amo of leaft ufe andcredit: thefe Fans are of f general ufe to cool the Face in the heat of Summer, that no perfon of w without them: And of thele there are {eve al forts, fome being made of Reed, o Wood, othersof Ivory, Ebbony, S lk, Paper, or Perfumed Straw; no is thei variety greater in Subftance, then thei difference in Fafhjon 5 for fome are rou others fourfquare, &c. Suchasar wor by th Paper Gilt, to open and fhut at pPlea ure; wit amongft them to prefent each ther asa token o Fa1-makers al{o as aforefaid, are empl yed muc Grandees, are made of Whit one of which it is cuftomar Love and Friendfhip Thel in the making of Quittefoles whih arc a kind of folding Canopie , carried over the heads of the Cra dceshb ey s thei |