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Show A ;T l p i ' V ; 26 S oS s s A General Defcription o e e e i - . OR --- poe-- RTR M B T bl o - i elL B e S ~ R S S ‘ crot . RRELf 4 one being the lcaft, is called Ba ia3 the other Papa, and is the orlt which grow in them, if eate raw fill the bOd and eatenafter the manner of Cheftn ts in Enrope increafe Seed Lo this Country grows likewile in f veral places which thouzh they be of an il tafte, et may ver wholfomeft kinds. It is warm, an dr againil the Wind and Dropfie, pro ide will over-heat the Liver. ~ Such as co i i t The Nu with Crudities; butif rofte they have a plealant taft3ep certain Fruit called Durione well be eficemed one of t operation, caufes Sweat, and is goo be eaten moderately ; for otherwife tafte of this Fruir, fancy it at firft 1 fmell like rotten Egas, but afeer they ave once eaten of it, they change opini n clteeming it to be the fwecteft that e er they did eat of. The Grandees mak account of this Fruit as a great Delicac , and think they can never have enough d it. The Leaf or the Herb Betel (whic we fpoke of before to be fp chewed b them) has {o great an averfion to this F rut that it {poils and rots the {ame, if it lj nearuntoit 5 infomuch that at any time i any perfon eat too much of that, th Betel isa prefent Remedy againft the fame Here grows likewife a well-tafted Fruic ca led Ananas , which was at firl brought from the Weft into the Eaft-Indies, w ere it is now to be had jn grea abundance : It is about the bignefs of a Cit on, of a yellow colour, and wellfcented, full of Juyce, and pleafant in tafte, if eaten hen ripe ; for it ismuch lik unto Strawberries with Wine and Sugar Upon the top it is crowned with - Clufter of Flowers and Leaves, and at a iftance js not unlike a Hartichoke, bu without any pricks at the corners : the mi dlemoft ftalk being the biggeft, upo which the Fruit grows, is about two fo t high, and has fifteen or fixteen Leave Round about this ftalk grow other leffer fta ks, wich young Fruit upon each : wholoever will eat of this Fruity muft firft f al] take off the outward skin, and th cut 1t into pieces, and {o jnfufe them in W ne or Water, to draw out the bitin quality thacis in it, oth rwife it will make Blifters upon the tongu : Nor is tha all5 for it isvery dangerous to eat muchof i, becaufe it is a Bloody-flux And though this Fruit be hot, yet the Le ves thereof are cooling having a fowreand corrofjve quality, wh ch is only found in cooling Herbs; an the main hazard is preduced by its pleafa erefs, which is fuch, that it will melti the mouth like Sugar I |