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Show b ~"""w The EMBaAss - e -- 11 s --w-~u-~~ WWWWW ‘\\\ of th = a e g ~N o V T T e A 3 - k w g - e . g S A» T 0 _ S- o inIfland fee aMa the Seve they too Therefore for a more clear demonfiration, they d fired to et the of our Countrey; whereupon the Embaffad our produced a Map o United. Provinces, with the Territories ther unto belonging, whic with thém to thew to the Emperour. They asked ikewife after the G vernment of Holland, and the power of hofe that had fent them ; whereupon th Embaffadoursreturned for an{wer, t at Holland was never Governed b any on fingle perfon, but by afele& number the chiefeft of the Countrey cified alfo the names of the Council by which Holland was Governed, an {aid .that befides this high Council, th re was yet another Council whic ive their Power and Authority from the Su m the Prince o their Countrey, to govern-the Tndia Affaics 5 and that the Embaffadours po their order given to the Governour Gene al of Batavi 24, were t t congratulate the Emperour of Tartary, nto his Yice-Roys in China, and to ‘wif him a long and happy reign But 1n regard thefe Commiffioners coul not well underftan d nor apprehen this form of our Government (becauf the Tuartars and Chinefes know n other then Monarchial) neither could th y tell what the name of Prince fignified; the Embafladours had nolittle P zzle to work them into a good opini-onof our State, therefore they were force to make ufe of the name of the Princ of Orange, as if they had been fent by his H ghnefs 5 concerning whom they aske {everal queftions, among the reft whether the Embaffadours were allye i Prince ; for they have a cuffom, that o Forreign Embafladoursare to bow t heads before the Emperours Throne, unlef th y be fuch as are a Kin to him tha {ent them ; as the Embafladours of Corea, an the Liguefe Iflands, who came hithe the laft year, were the Brothers and Kin red of thofe Kings that {ent them, without which they would have no great credit nd reputation with the Emperour To which the Embaffadours replyed, that t ey were not in the leaf allyed t their Prince; for befide that the Governours f their Countrey knew nothing o this cuftom, {o likewife {uch perfons as wer any ways related to their Prince were employed at home in the moft confid rable Charges were of opinion that the Dignity and Majefty o the Emperour wouldbe muc Jefiened, if he fhould give Audienceto fuch as we e not {o relatéd to their Prince They then asked the Embafiadours, what Offi es do you bear in the Court of you Prince? How runs your Title in their own anguage > How many Men have yo under your command ? And how do youlive The Embaffadours returned the an{wer to all thefe queftions They asked likewife, whether all the Preferits w ich were thus packed up, cam directly out of Holland > The Embaffadours t ereupon told them, that fome o thofe Goods came out of Holland, asthe Cloth , Lookin -glaffes, Corral, Per{pe ctive-glafles, all manner of Arms, and th Furnitare for Hor{es 5 but the reft wer added by the Gov rnour General at batawia,by order of the hig ment in Holland. Hereupon arofe another qu ftion, namely, what manner o place Bataviawas, and what manner of Man th Governour; the Embaffadour replyed to this,that the Governour General, in egard of his command, might b compared with the Canton Vice-Roys: An in regard the Hollanders were no fubject toany King, nor their Countrey a K ngdom, therefore he could not hav the Title of Vice-Roy, but only be called by a one that had the command ove th ag a "be ca w ul cul ( o atl tha 10k wit ap do ano Her adm to orde bly Jow lan us, co fat WE Hig an th (a hiv a other Places and Countries. And as f that (they faid) wasa place, which fo its conveniency was appointed for endezvous for al] Ships which fhould com out of H lland and other Parts, and condequently held for the chief City of the Netherlands in India T having fatisfyed the curiofity o tkele perfons, in giving fuch % full anfwer to al br thei Co |