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Show ‘\ o OG0 S ) 2 L e B The Mould or caft of this fair bdttom, {feems much like the form of ou Water-Snake : The ftern hung full of ftrange Serpents, faftne with Ribbons of feveral Colours, which made a gallant fhow ; at the fiern of this Vefiel, hung l kewife two nimble Boys, who pfayed Tricks and Gamblos to de ight the Speflator both above, and diving ander Water Upon the top of each Maft, which wer threein all, ftood an Idol, very curioufly adorned, with ilk Flagsand Pennons In like manner {tood on the Poop, an Image drefled with Du ks and Drakes 2 th ftern was alfo thwack'd wich numbers of Standards, fet out with asfles of Hai Silk Flags, and long Feathers ; the Boat covered round with rich Silk EInde 1 R o - e e . ¥ -- . anupper high-rais''d Deck, full of Flags and Standards, fate twelve ufly Seame with gile Crowns upon their Heads, clothed in Silk, their Arms nake s thele Wer fo dexterous at Rowing,that the Boat went at an extraordinary ate : They cam aboard of the Embafiadours, and feemed to be over-joyed at their rrival : Th - Embafladours requited their kindnefs with a return of fome Prefents, whi h the . willingly accepted, wifhing them good fuccefs upon their Voyage and fafe return into their own Countrey Near the Ducks ftood a Chinefe with a Fork i his hand, and long Feathers in his Cap, who continually tortured t ofe Poor Crea tures, putting them in perpetual difquiet The next day, being the 26. of Msy, we came to the City of Cajut ra allo called by fome Caoyen, and isreckoned for the fourth fimall City o tal Yauchen. This City we found lying upon the right fide of the Roya on 5 near a great Pool which the Chinefes call Piexe, out of whic run Water into thisfamous Channel: formerly all fuch as Veflels ca e fro B ettt o whichi the CapiNavigatiplcnfy o Nanking o fL0 o ST {8eafon, they lay weath: er-boun. d before this Cit;_ lg?g);; ye it, Oltihe:re teélber}inmgfis no ventu ring over the Pool, till the wind were more filent, and th fwelling Billows mor calm 5 fo that for the benefit of Commerce and fafety o their Voyaur on th Eafi-fid.c of.the Pool this Navigable Channe] wa made of fixty Fatl?o;n Imong walled in }mth white ftone : The wark moft nobl and brave, and véry muc Loe ilzz 21?(;11& 6:}1] g:;lrx\z;?d?:; gi;c; gzou}d fetch {o many great white P{o es, ther parts Thi |