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Show N etherland Eaft-India-Company 3 when, by whom, and to whom, as alfo to what end the Letters were written and the Embafladours addreft themfelves? what Prefents we had brought i perticular for the Emperour ? They feemed to wonder very much, that the Embaffadours had brought no Letter to the Tutang in Cantons and that the Letter were put up {o meanly; for they let them underftand, that the Letter to the Empe rour oughtto have beenput into a Golden Purfe, or Box, at leaft. At laf? the thus made a conclufion, that the next day they would come aboard our Ships t receive the Prefents: hereupon the Embaffadours departed and went aboar again The next day the fame Commiffioners, with a great many Courtiers, cam aboard, bringing with them feveral Veflels, very handfomly fet off with Sil Flagsand Pennons, to take in the Prefents, as well for the Emperour, as th Canton Vice-Roys, and the Tutang; which they received with great civility The Heyton came himfelf aboard to bid us welcom, and carried the Embaffadours with their Secretary Henry Baron, and four of their Followers, in one of thei Veflels, to the City of Canton, being accompanyed with the Vice-Admiral ; wher beingarrived, the {aid Commiffioners went into the City, without fpeaking on word to our Embaffadours And after that the Retinue had ftayed at leaft tw hours at the Gates of the City, they were at laft fent for in the name of th Vice-Roy an condutte to a Lodging without the Walls where formerl Mr. Schedel had lodg'd, and there guarded and taken care of by the City Marfhal The next day, being the 31. there came to our Lodging, with Commiflioners "b! fbBec was very ooy ouf HO"‘"JQI did ICtum a Mandorin, Pectfienfin, the Emperours Treafucer, having the fourth voice of th o 2 high Table in the Hall, diers; who civilly treate Government in the City : When they began again to move feveral queftions t the Embafladours, asking them how many years they had been Married, thei Names and former Employments; as likewife if they had no Copy of the Lette to the Emperour, and whether that Letter was not writ upon better Paper, the the Epiftle to the Vice-Roys : Wherefore, and to what end they were chiefl {ent, how their Prince and King was called ? wich feveral other Queftions : The they {eemed to Mutter, and be difpleafed at the flight Fafhion of the Credentials. To the requeft which the Embaffadours made, that they might have Audienc of the Vice-Roys,and have leave to go for Peking,they gave no an{wer 3 but goin with the Letters to the Vice-Roys, they returned again about noon, an then they began to ask whether the Prince and Government of Holland had n Stamp nor Great Seal fortheir Letters, and from what Age of the World the were Dated. And as concerning the defire of the Embafladours, they gave the e, againft which the Mar to underftand, that neither the Vice-Roys, nor the Tutang, nor any body elf in Canton, had the power to give Audience to any Embafladours before they ha Kprefly forbidden to come t from Canton 1o view (h ad o that purpole the Hereupon the Embaflz and came abou vere from thenc noon to th conduéte Pallace Complements pafied; ch ¢ ( | Go + feeme 4 an {100 e the tbc. : whet [cs J" ;', a "firft received an anfwer to the Letter which they had fent from hence to Pe king concerning them: However they gave order that the Yacht Koukerke fhould be brought near to the City, and promifed that the Vice-Roys (to wel come the Embafladoursin a more then ordinary manner, and to view the Prefent which they had brought to the Great Cham ) would appear perfonally at thei Lodging Wherefore upon the fecond of Auguft, we received order to follow the Embaffadour with our Yacht, four great Men of War of the Vice-Roys appointe to condu&tus up the River. About the evening we came to an Anchor, nea a fmall Caftle, where the River is above two Miles broad, and has lying upo bothfides feveral little Iflands. On the left fide of this River, ftands upon 2 {fmall Hill,ahigh Tower, very curioufly adorned with nine Rounds The lik Tower alfo fhews it {elf upon a certain Ifland, over againft the chief City o Canton. 'The Countries fituated on both fidesof this River, abound very mugh i |