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Show assy of th The EB The Divifio of China 8 3b i ¥ ¥ &Bt All China was formerly divided by the Chinefe Emperour Xunusinto 12 Provinces ; afterwards the Emperour Ywa, who took upon him the Government after th death of Xunus, about 260 years before the Incarnation of our Saviour, reduce all Chinainto Nine Provinces, which only at that time compreheénded the Nor North Butafter tha Tar T thern Parts of China, and had for their Confinesthe River Kiang they had Conquered the Southern parts by degrees, and had fomewhat civilize the Inhabitants, the whole Kingdom of Chine was divided into 15 Provinces Amongft thefe alfo they reckon the Province of Leaotung, which is fituated o s i 1; 8 B £ % bt~ 4 § ' i' w o B- ‘ o i (4% 3 M R ) le eft, lying in the Sea over againft the Province of Quangfi. Among the Ifland which are Tributary to this Kingdom, is alfo accounted the Ifland Formofa the call Lienkien, and fituated over againft the Province of Fo ‘ The Kingdom of China isfo {urrounded with Iflands about it, and on the Eaf and South with Seas, that it feems almoft to be a four {quare, only two grea g ‘ no other people live but Tartars, who have n fixed abodes, but wander up and down the Countries in Waggons, and f Travel from place to place; as may be found at large in the Writings of thof who have {ufficiently confuted this great errour and miftake, as Virgantins, Martinus Martinii, inhis Atlas of China Amongft the reft the Jefuits have likewif found by experience, that beyond the Empire of Chinz no Monarchy of Catay i to be found; infomuch that the fame People, whom we call Chinefes, are by th Perfians called Cataiens. ‘This fame miftake has been likewife fufficiently an Learnedly confuted with undeniable Arguments, by the moft Learned Faco Gool, a Perfon of extraordinary knowledge in all Arts of Literature, and efpeci~ allyinthe Oriental Languages, and at prefent Profeflor of the Arabian Tongu inthe Univerfity at Leyden, in his Appendix to the Atasof China ! A Provi in truth beyond that great Wall Amongft which the Ifland Haman is the chicf pay alfo Tribute Laftly, This Empire which comprehends 15 Kingdoms, isalfo divided into th Southand North China: South China the Tartars call the Kingdom of Mangin and North Chinathe Kingdom of Catay. 1Inthe firft are 9 Kingdoms, andin th laft 6 ; or 8, if fo be you will reckon amongft them the Kingdom of Leaotung, an the Hanging Ifland of Corea By what has been already faid, it doth clearly appear how far thofe are miftaken who write of another Empire beyond China, which they call Catay ; a likewife of feveral Towns, as Quinfay, Cambaln, and many other fiions ; wherea 8y A 7y ‘The Situation Th delfl rach befide, whic or Naunking, Chekiang, Foking, and Quantung: From hence toward the North ly the Midland Countries, as Quangft, Kiangfi, Hugqnang, Honan, and Xanfi 5 and toward the Weft the other four, Xenfi, Suchen, Queichen, and Funnan Laos cXtcn ken 5 as allo the Hland of Chexxan, over againft the Province of Chekiang, aver famous place for Trading But of this more at large hereafter Six of the 15 Provinces verge upon the Sea, as Peking, Xantung, Kiangnan 6") ( the Weft of Peking, where the great Wall begins, and the Hanging Ifland o Coreay both which pay Tribute to the Emperour. There are feveral other Ifland which the Chinefe other Mountains thruft themfelves out to the Sea-ward, which in the Chinefe Languag are called Tung. = The one lies by the Town of Ningpo, from whence you ma faylin forty hours to the Ifland of Fapan; the other great Hill is in the Provinc of Zantung, near to the Town of Tengoben Chinafituated in the furtheft part of Afia, borderstowards the Faft, S uth, an ~ Wett, upon the great Indian Sea, and is called Tung by the Chinefe , which figni fiesEafterly And on the North itis {eparated from the Kingdoms of Ninche,an Nicolhan, by that famous Wall which was made by thofe of China gainfi, th lovafion of the Tdrtar.r... What higher up toward the North it has for Frontiers ‘thc Kingdom of Taniju, and a Wildernefs called Samo, which fe arates th North this P Chi and ft violen ther well gatio borde ther u On th which which Kingd ward t Sandy ing in ¢ whic 215 y fent, vince Inr peefen the nu Firf outs{h Empc tude, ireat ¢ na thefe, Owell; - ad g : The romg Primeg andd Pffccd fume t To |