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Show 340 TITE CRANIAL CITARACTERJSTICS Fig. 60. Fig. 7U. I I SANDW!OU Isr,ANJ)}:R. artificial flattening of the occiput; which process the Islander, while at the hospital, had told Drs. L vert and Mastin, was hal.>itual in his family. The profile view betrays less prot.ubeeance of brain behind, and tho vertical view more compression o(' occiput, than belongs generally to his race; but still thoro remn.ins enough of cranial characteristics to mark his Polynesian origin ; even wcro not tbc man's history preserved, to attest the gross depravity of his animal propensities." Fig. 71. Fig. 71, reduced ft'Om Plate 32 of Du- 1 mouLicr's Atlas, represents tho head of a SAN"DWIOU lRJ,ANOI>JR. naLivc of Mawi, one of the small islands of tho Sandwich group. This head appears to me to possess a somewhat higher development than is seen in the two precoding figures. Tho skull of a cannibal, in the Mortonian Collection (No. 1531), from Christina I land -one of the Marq ucsas- exhibits a narrow, dolicho-cephalic fonn; the frontal r - giou flat and narrow; tho posterior r giou broad aud pondcronA; 1 he face massive and roughly marl-ed; the sup rior rnaxllla mol'o everted than in tho Sandwich Islander; altogetltor a low and brutal Fig. 72. iorm, though tho intemal capacity is a~:; NUKAillVAN. high as 90.5 cubic incheR. This bead roscmblo!:! in several reap eta tl1o skull of a man of tho Tais tribe (Nukahiva), :fignl'ea by Dumouticr on his 29th Plate. It difl'·rs ft· m tho latter jn having a somewhat retracted lower jaw; a feature which approximates it to tho Malay head -figured below. Fig. 72 repr·csents one of a collection of cra11ia brought !Jy DuMOU'l'l.llat from tlte OF TilE RACES OF )fEN. :3-11 ancient ossuaries in the Island of Nukahiva. l3r ... ANCIIARD has carefully studied tllis oll ·tion, a11d al·o a series of Marquesan crania in the "Oalerie Authropologiquc du Museum d'Ilistolre Naturclle." He informs us that- "Comparn.tJVemont aux orftnes des Europoens, ceux dos nnhlJ·cls des iles M~trqni sos so montrent be~tucoup plus r6trocis et plus nl'l'oudis vora lo sommot. Lo frontal fuit noneoulomont en nrricro, mais au~ei sur los cot6s. Cet os est ainsi tHTondi ct n'oJTro en tiUC\IIIO fn9on co m6plllt goncml qu'on obsorvo ordinairemcnt dnn~ los tOtes des Europccns, avec des nunnces i\ la v6ritc trcs-notnbles. "En mesmnnt ln. hn.utour du crltno des No11knhiviens 011 bord inf6ricur du mnxillniro superieur i\ !'anglo do In dcrniho molniro ou dcpuis l'ttpophyao mnstoi'd ienno ju ~q u 'n.u bonl median du coron1tl i\ son iJlSCl'tion nvec lea pnrictnux, et compurnnt ccttc mcsuro nvcc cello do l'cptlissour du crCu1o priso do ln pnrtio In plus avn.ncco du frontn.l i\ l'originc de l'occipitnl, nous avons trouv6 chez plusieurs sujcts quo cello hauteur ctnit il. peino iuf6riourc i\ 1'6pn.iPsour. Chez nn plus grn.nd nombrc cepcndnnt, nons nvons trouvo Ia lnrgour dtt ori1no, considcr6 par lo cot6, d'onviron un buiticmo supcricnrc i1. In hauteur, ot m~me 11n pou plus, chez deux OU trois individus. De CO COte j] y II dono dos <.liJJ'(irencos individuoll\'8 assoz prononc6os. "to coronal dn.ns sn plus gmndo lnrgcnr, pl'iAo cl'uno suturo il. l'autro, s'ost montr6 d'm1o otoncluo sensiblomcnt moindrc 1wcc de tros-1Cp;c 1·es vnrintionA, que In hauteur prise do Forigino d()s os nasnux i\ In HutuJ'O m6diano des pari6ttwx. Un crlmo do femme soul nous n fourni ces uoux mesuros 6g11los. "Ls1 distnnco do l'npophyso mnstoldienue i\ l'extr6mit6 do Ia mitohoirc sup6riouro s'eHt trouvoo, cbcz tous les crilnes do Kunnques, 6galo sl l'ospaco oompris entre lo borcl oxtcrne clos deux os jugnux pris il. lour insertion avec l'os frontal. "Dn.ns co typo on fin on constnte encore uno pro!Sminonoo bien prononcco des npophyH~s zygomatiques uno forto suillio des os maxillairos ot uno forme ovalait·e dn.ns 1!1 bn.so du crrtno, !'occipital ctnnt sonsiblomcnt att6nu~ on urrict·o. "Los tetcs de fommos prosontent les memes curaotcrcs quo los tetes cl'bommcs, l~s memos rapportA ontJ·o los proportions do Ia bolto critnicnno, do l'os frontal, etc., IIV(.IO los oH do In fo.co un pou moine saillnnts.'' In Fig. 73 (skull of a Taitian woman), tlJC reader has before him the cranial type of the Soci('ty Islands. "Nons I'Omn.rqnons," snys Dr.ANOllARD, "ln mllmo fo1·mo gcn6ralo do Ia toto quo cht'z les nnturels clos iloH MM·quisos; o'est cgn.lomcnt uno forme pyramicl~tlo, plus pronoucce oncoro quo nons no J'n.vons vn pnrtout ailleurs dnns ln. tllto d'hommc qui porto sur lrt plnncho lee nmncros 1 ot 2; mai~ ici l'allongomont g6n6rnl do oottc tete nons fnit croit·o i1. uno pnrticul11rit6 tout i\ f11it Fig. 73. inclividu llo. Memes mpports cnh·e Ia bnutour ot Ia l'AI'flAN. longueur du orilno que chez Ice KtiiHtqnes, ot cepondnnt, vuo par lo profil, lu tllto nous paruit plus nrrondio chez Ics l's1\t.ions, lea parietnux fiOIIS semblont moins d6prim6s en nrricro. Sous lo rn.pport ues proportions do l'os frontn.l, comme chez los proccdouts, nous avons constn.M uu peu moins de ln.rgeur que de huutcm·. Ln suillic des os mnxillnircs nous pnrnit aussi plus prononc6o chez lo 'l'sti'tiou que chez le Nouknhivion. Coci ost trcs-mat·qu6 dans 111 tOto do femme portnnt sur !11 plnnchc XXX l ~s num6ros 3 ot 4. Si !'on mosuro ln. longncur comprise ent.ro l'n.pophysc mnstoluionno ..t l'extrcmit6 du mnxillairo superieur, on vorru, on portnut cetto mosuro sur l'espn.co oompris |