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Show li I 2!)0 TIIE CRANIAL CHARACTERISTICS 'l'his is true of all tho other realms. With each of tho nine :figures (except that from Carns) tho facial anglo and intomal capacity have l>oon given. 'l'he reader will observe, and perhaps with surprise, that the Eskimo and Kalmuck heads have the largest internal ·apacity, larger even than tho European skulls; while tho Kalmuck possesses also tho highest facial angle. Let him not be misled, however, by this accid ntal fact. ]'or these measurements in this instance express individnal peculiarities, rather than racethnracters. Moreover, tho heads in question have boon selected entirely with r forouco to their external osteological characters. Tho facial angles given by Morton in his Cntaloguo should not he relied upon too implicitly, since they have been taken by moans of an instrument wl ich, in dif!oront, but equally careful hands, yields difi" rent results for the same head. To measure tho faci::tl angle with unerring mathematical precision, an accurate photographic outline of tho head in a lateral view should be :6rst obtained; upon this figure the facial and horizontal lines of Camper should next be drawn, and the angle then measured with a :fin ly graduated protractor. To avoid any further allusion to the cranial eapacity of the different races of men, I he1·e subjoin the two following tables, taken from my manuscript copy of the fourth edition nf Morton's Catalogue. Table I. has boon enlarged from that given on page viii. of the third edition, by tho interpolation offorty measme· menta, with tho o:iloct of increasing the mean cranial capacity of the 'l'outonic Family, the Mongolian and American Groups by 1.5, 5, H nd 1.3 cubic inches respectively; and slightly dimiuishing that of the Negro Group. Table II. has been constructed from the measurements recorded in different parts of the Catalogue. (The letters "I. C." moan internal capacity.) OF TilE RACES OF MEN. 21J7 TABLE I. -Showing the Si~e of the Brain ;n cubic incllee, ae obtai11ed from the internalmeaeuremont of 063 Crania of varioue Rucu and Familiee of ltfa11. RACES AND FAMILIES. NO. Ol' SKULLS. LAROES'r Sl!ALUJST I. O. I. Q, ~UlAN. ~lllAN. 1------------1--------------- MoDJmN CAUCASIAN GnouP. ~l'eutonic Family. Swedes ........ ................................... 11 108.25 65 98 g~~:~~~~s} '.'.'.'.'.':.':.:::::: :::·.:::·.:: :::::::::::: } 15 114 70 95 }"' Jo:nglish ........................................... 5 105 91 96 Anglo-Americans .............. ............... 7 97 82 90 Tchudic Family. l'ruc Finns ...................................... 112.5 81.5 94.8 Celtic Family. Nntivc Irish ..................................... 97 78 87 Pela&gic Family. PAormrsicnnnitst n..s. .............................................................................. } 10 94 75 84 Circassians ...................................... Semitic Family. Arabs ... .......................................... 98 84 89 Nilotic Fat11ily. Folh\hs ............................................ 18 96 66 79 Itldo&tanic Family. Ayras ............................................. 8 91 79 86 Bengaloea ······································· 25 90 67 78 }81.7 ANCIENT CAUCASIAN GnouP. •i { Pelaagic Pamily. :SSa] Grrooo-Egyptians ..................... 18 97 78 87 ~~ Nilotic Family. Egyptians ............................... 65 9() 68 80 MONGOLIAN GnouP. }" Chinese Pamily ................................. 10 98 70 86 flypuborean Pamily ......... .................. 8 102 78.75 89 MALAY GROUP. }85 .A(alayan Family ................................ 20 97 68 86 l'oly11eBian Family ......... ••••••••.•••.•.•••••. 5 90.5 82 84.8 AMimiOAN GnouP. 'l'oltecan Family. )M8 Peruvians ........................................ Mexicans ......................................... 152 101 58 75.8 25 92 67 81.7 Barbarou1 Tribce. Iroquois .......................................... }164 J,omtpe ........................................... Chot·okoo ......................................... 104 69 84 Shoshon!'i, &c .................................... NEono GnouP. Americm1-bom Ncgroee ......... .............. 12 86 78 80.8 } 82.25 Nativ~ African Family ........................ 64 90 65 88.7 1/ottmtot Family ................................ 8 88 68 75.8 Aljoria11 Family Austmliu.ns ...................................... 8 88 68 75 Occttnic Negroes ................................ 2 77 76 76.6 17 |