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Show BU With the name of legion ciub Du'cxWEED. n./ Here be without duck or nod Swift Other trippings to be trod Of lighter toes, and fuch court guif As Mercury did firlt devife A man of wealth is dubb''d a man of wort Venus fhall give him form, and Anftis birth. Pope Dus DU DU Thefe demoniacks let me du Hudibras Milton for poflibilities feafibilitie certainties things impoflible for poffible an not fully known Denbam We 2lfo call it a dubious or doubtful propofition when there are no arguments on either fide Waits's Logick As fome raw youth in country bed When at a {kirmifh firfthe hear The bullets whiftling round his ears Will duck his head.afide, will ftart And feel a trembling at his heart Satan with lefs toil, and now with eafe Wafts on the calmer wave, by dubious light, Milton 4. Having the event uncertain :3. T His utmoft pow'r with adverfe pow'r oppos'd Milton In dubious battle, on the plains of heav'n Du'erousvy. adv. [from dubious.] Uncertainly ; without any determination Authors write often dubioufly, even in matter wherein is expeted a firi definitive truth Browwn's Pulgar Errours Du'siousnEss. z. [ [from dubious.] Uncertainty; doubtfulnefs She fpeaks with dubioufnefs, not with the certaint Broome A duét from each of thofe cells ran i of the tongue, where both. joined tog:‘t)hg: ‘:,o pafled forward in one common du to th tip 'ofit Addifon's Spesiasey Tt was obferved that the chyle, in the¢ oracic Many of the ancients denied the antipodes; bu the experience of our enlarged navigation can no affert them beyond all dybitation Brown's Vulgar Errours Dubitation may be called ' a negative, perception that s, when I perceive that what I fee is no what I would fee Grew Arbuthnot on Alimens DUCTILE. aj. [dugtilis, Lat] - 1. Flexible ; pliable Saift o Thick woods and gloomy nigh Coneeal the happy plant from humap fight Scottit z. Eafy to be' drawn out into%iength,: expanded The duétile rin in whic {cold are tied, an Addifor's Freebolder DuckLrE'cGED. adj. [duck and leg.] Shor legged be drawn into yarn or thread; have the appetiteo 3 not difcontinuing ftrong Bacos Gold, asit'is the pureft, fo it is the fofteft an moft duéZile, of all metals Dryden Tractable ; obfequious yielding complying He generous thoughts inftill Of true nobility ; forms their dufile minds To-human virtues Philips Their defigning leaders cannot defire:a mor duétile and eafy people to work upon Addifor's Freeholder Dvu‘cTiLENESS. 2 /. [from dudile.] Flexi bility ; duétility I, when I value gold, may think upo The wholefomenefs, the ingenuity Dryden's Fuyenal. Ducav leaves of radiant gold Dryden's Bonid The ductilenefs, the application Ducklegg'd, thort waifted, fuch a dwarf fhe i That fhe muft rife on tiptees for a kifs an All bodies dufile and tenfile; as metaley tha will be drawn into wires 5 wool and tow, that wil Shakefpeare's Tismon. She in the ducking ffol fhould take her feat Dreft like herfelf in a great chair of ftate, Dorfer. |Reclaim the obftinately opprobrious and virulent women, and make the ducking foo/ more ufeful The aét of doubting ; doubt I cannot flatter and look fair Smile in men's faces, fmooth, deccive, and cog Duck with French nods, and apifh courtefy. Shak put under water [dubitatio, Latin. e One bough it bears; but, wond'rous to behold A chai DUBITABLE. adj. [ dubito, Lat.] Doubtful ; uncertain ; what may be doubted n tomilts dué?, retained the original tafte of the aliment 7o Duck. @. a. To put under water Dv'cker. n /. [from duck. 1. A diver 2. A cringer Dig Dv'ckinGsTooL. n. [ [duck and flool. Savift Durrra'rion I duyk, or juyk, to make obeifance, is fil ufed Dutks to the golden fool dubioufly, and leave to the reader the bufinefs of in of a gnddefs The learned pate Almanack makers wander in generals, and talk terpreting bow low ; to cringe all z. A paflage through which any thingtfli, conduéted : a term, chiefly ufed by an 2. To drop down the head, as a duck 3. Not plain ; not clear faftenin the ftars, or neceflity of thofe iron ch which we are born under H}l;mm:"; Let the labouring bark climb hills of fea Olympus high, and duck again as lo As hell's from heaven Shakefpeare's Othello Thou art wickedly devout In Tiber ducking thrice by break of day. Dryden No quick reply to dubious queftions make b thing to us but only to obey our fate t fol own duét o Fairy Queen the truth i fatal decree at the f}(')ot_of ng‘s'lc?x‘;rfiégxsby And deep himfelf he ducked in the fame That in the lake his lofty creft was fteept 1. Doubting ; not {ettled in an opinion 2. Uncertain; that of whic This do&rine The varlet faw, when to the flood: He came How without ftop or ftay he fiercely. leapt Brown's Vulg, Err = f [duttus, Lat. 1. Guidance ; dire@ion 7o Duck, @. n. [from the noun. 1. To dive under water as a duck [dubiys, Latin. adj DUBIOUS Ducr drakes an nor. duck Arbutbnot and Pope Men often fwallow falfities for truths, dubiofitie fo pile are'quite {o ancient as handy-dandy Dusio'sity. n. /. [from dubions.] A thin doubtful A word not ufed an crof Neithe [duck an we call duckweed hat ; thkymel!caf, but of a X'x‘clfieragl:ef;l';o :;% ;{, ?; et br;‘ttt ;ma_. 3 ttle friAN ng into the water, far . fm? Tthet fo as to ftrike it and rebound As fkilful coopers hoop their tub With Lydian and with Phrygian dubs fame with dnckmeg.t. WM 1 Th T ha # /. [from the verb.] A blow; a 4. A ftone thrown obliquely on the water knock From ruft, from foil, from fire ever free Dorne adj. [from duke.] Pertaining to | Du'ckring. n [ [from duck.] A young|Dvcrti'LiTy. 2. [fro duftile. a duke: as, a ducal coronet duck ; the brood of the duck 1. Quality of fuffering extenfion; flexibiDv'car. ». / [from duke.] A coin ftruc Ducklings, though hatched and led by a hen, if lity by dukes: in filver, valued at about ithe brings them to the t?rink of a'river or pond, Yellow colour and dudility are properties, o prefently leave her, and in they go four fhillings and fix pence ; in gold, a gold: they belong to all gold, but not only t nine fhillings and fix pence gold; for faffron is alfo yellow, an;lV lead::lz du;Ray on.the Creation E v'r I cannot inftantly raife up the grof Of full three thoufand ducats Shake[peare Ther wa one.tha died in debt it was re Du'ckMEAT one faid, he hath carried five hundred ducats o mine into the other world Bacon Z 1. A water fowl, both wild and tame The ducks, that heard the proclamation cried And fear'd a profecution might betide Full twenty mile from town their voyage take Grubs if you find jour land fubje ducks into it of th Dryden to, tur Back, fhepherds, back; enough your pla "Till uext funthine holyda T fna;rin‘g t?'f"w ANy means of entiging Seducers hav Mayapple Ix) 4 }{) igx::l?.d:g. gfé 2 L It was a ferviceable dudgeon Either for fighting; or for drudgings Hudibra o foun DUE a"fi . The pamclple pa{five of gwe [4%, French. 1. Owed it the mof campendiou Decay of Picty T. 7. /. Black fnakeroot, or that which any one hgs 2 ngg} tosdemand mhconfeqfuence of a compatt way to their defigns, to lead captive filly women and.make them the dackcoys to their whole family I e ens Logick The cuckoo took this a little in dud‘f%g; fo}f;'cagi']?"y; "?'"X:m fo calle from the frequent a&tion of a duck i the water produced the errour. atts' e Magicv?l Zu{‘?;iir;i?{:{:rzfl?;;g'nxty entice | And men fell out they knew not.why.. Hudibra ferpent doth his tongue : with this he duckays littl Shak, Winter's Tale head N This fith hath a flender membranous ftri which he projeéts and draws in at pleafure, asg; ‘Will you buy any tape or lace for your cap declinatio Plant STOVAR g to a fnare 2. A word of endearment, or fondnefs 3+ [duck and meat ' len w. a Ducko'y the decoy ;eix;v g comr[nnc::xl; p?z:&féd i:;% ducks Wortimer's Hufbondry My dainty duck, my dear-a 2. 2 IObfequieufnefs ; compliance ajrorais commo jf){q[u_é{r;_c. " Bn ing 'waters . /. [anas5 ducken, to dip, Dut. ©Obfeure in ruthes of the liquid lake i Amid the ducklings let her };catter-cco;z;.' G0 ported, where his creditors were, that he was dead DUCK mor m:rf};oe:e?:l Lfft'm:t{xfiud:e.to the advocate fomh commendation and gracing, where cafes are handled and fair Pleaded-' There is likewife due t the public a civil rgpr-eht'.nfinnof advocates, ‘Ehe' ihee appeareth. cunning, grofe negleéty or flig informations. . %fi:} |