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Show 1887.] THE SECRETARY ON ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 559 The total number of registered additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of August was 104 ; of these 48 were acquired by presentation, 37 by purchase, 12 by birth, and 7 were received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period by death and removals was 199. The total number of registered additions td the Society's Menagerie during the month of September was 136 ; of these 72 were acquired by presentation, 25 by purchase, 2 by exchange, 7 were bred in the Gardens, and 30 were received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period by death and removals was 109. Amongst these may be specially noticed :- 1. A Red-and-White Flying Squirrel (Pteromys alborufus), from the province of Szechuen, in the interior of China, presented by Percy Montgomery, Esq., of Ichang, China, and received September 9th. This fine large Flying Squirrel, which was described and figured by Monsieur Alphonse Milne-Edwards (' Reeherches pour servir al'Hist. Nat. d. Mammiferes,' p. 298, pl. xiv.), from specimens obtained by Pere David on the Tibetan confines of China, is quite new to us, and is, I believe, also unrepresented in the National Collection. 2. A n Urva Ichneumon (Herpestes urva), purchased September 17th. This Himalayan Carnivore is also new to us. It is well figured in Hodgson's unpublished drawings in the Society's Library (' Mammals of India,' vol. ii. pis. 128, 129). The total number of registered additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of October was 109, of which 4 were by birth, 45 by presentation, 4 by purchase, 53 by exchange, and 3 were received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period by death and removals was 93. The following additions are of special interest:- 1. A young male Gorilla (Anthropopithecus gorilla), purchased October 10th, of Mr. Cross of Liverpool, being the first Gorilla acquired by the Society. The animal appears to be about three years old, and its height two feet six inches. The Gorilla has been placed in the Sloths' House, in an adjoining compartment to that of the female Bald Chimpanzee "Sally," received Oct. 24, 1883, so that there is now a good opportunity for comparing these two forms of Anthropoid Apes. 2. An Aye-Aye (Chiromys madag ascariensis), purchased Oct. 28th, being the second example of this rare animal which has been acquired by the Society. The following extract was read from a letter addressed to the Secretary by Herr W . v. Nathusius of Konigsborn : - " I have the pleasure to send you by this, three preparations of 37* |