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Show 198 MR. E. B. POULTON ON THE PROTECTIVE [Mar. 1, T A B L E I.-Undoubtedly Species of Larva. Pieris bras-sicce. Vanessa io. Vanessa urticce. Anthrocera filipen-dulce. Deilephila euphorbia Deilephila galii. Method by which rendered conspicuous. Chief colours yellow and bluish green with black spots ; also gregarious and freely exposed on upper sides of cabbage-leaves &c. Intensely black, with minute white points ; bristles ; also gr?garious and freely exposed on upper sides of nettle-leaves &c. Same as V. io in all respects except colour, which is lighter, although much darker than leaves of nettle ; yellow often present on dark ground-colour. Yellow and black ; conspicuous position on trefoil &c.; so abundant locally as to be almost gregarious. Black, red, and yellow or white; most conspicuously coloured and freely exposed on the spurge. Very variable colours, but always strongly contrasted, and "almost as conspicuous as D. euphorbia; rests fully exposed by day on the stem" [of Galium] (Weismann). Unpleasant attribute. Taste or smell. " Disagreeable odour when crushed" ( Weismann). Ejects a green fluid from mouth when touched. ? Taste or smell. Proof lies in what follows. Ejects a green fluid from mouth when touched. ? Taste or smell. Proof lies in what follows. ? Taste or smell. Proof lies in what follows. " If interrupted they spit out a quantity of green liquid of an acid and disagreeable suiell, similar to spurge-milk, only worse'' (Melhuish, in Stainton's 'Manual'). ? Taste or smell. Proof lies in what follows. Results of J. Jenner Weir, using m a n y species of Birds and Lizards. Disregarded by all the birds. Disregarded by all the birds. Disregarded by all the birds. A. G. Butler, using Birds, Lacerta viridis, Progs, and Spiders. j |