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Show 128 ON COLEOPTERA FROM THE CAMEROONS. [Feb. 1, aquans; labrum tenue, anguste reflexuin ; columella oblique contorta, expansa, umbilicum semiobtegens. Longit. 30 millim., diam. 16. Gibbus (Edentulina) johnstoni. This is a smaller species than G. martensi, Smith, or G. insignis, Pfeiffer. It is also much more finely striated than the former and of a different shape, and has no plication on the columella as in the latter, which is an imperforate shell. 8. O n some Coleopterous Insects collected by Mr. H. H. Johnston on the Cameroons Mountain. By CHARLES O. WATERHOUSE. [Eeceived January 31, 1887.] The following Coleoptera were obtained by Mr. H. H. Johnston at altitudes from 8000 to 10,000 feet on the Cameroons Mountain:- 1. SCARITES ROTUNDICOLLIS, Murray. 2. Two female examples of a Lamellicorn, apparently one of Trichiidae; 7 lines long, black, with deeply impressed striae on the elytra. It is very desirable to look for the male of this insect, which would doubtless be quite different in colour and perhaps in form. 3. BATOMENK MULTISPINIS, Bates (Ent. Mo. Mag. xxi. 1884, p. 15), described from the Cameroons. 4. TEMNOSCELIS BIEMARGINATUS, Chevr. A single specimen in the British Museum from Old Calabar. 5. A species of Otiorhynchus closely resembling the European O. bisulcatus, but having the humeral angles slightly prominent, and the disk of the thorax with a short ridge. 6. EPILACHNA, sp. 1 (In pieces.) From "Cameroons Mountain, 2000 feet, Oct. 1886:"- 7. C E R A T O R H I N A TORQUATA, F. A common West-African species. |