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Show 1887.] LITTLE-KNOWN BUTTERFLIES F R O M INDIA. 455 the length of the margin from the base. In the female, however, the median nervules and submedian nervure are quite normal, the neuration being very similar to that of Melanitis. Described from two male examples in the collection of Mr. A. V. Knvvett (after whose wife I have named it), and a female in that of Mr. Otto Moller. EUTHALIA DUDA. E. duda, Staudinger, Ex. Schmett. part i. p. 152, pl. liii., male (1886). Hub. Near Buxa, Bhutan ; Sikkim. Expanse. 2 4*5 inches. FEMALE. UPPERSIDE : fore wing differs from the same sex of E. durga, Moore, which also occurs in the same locality, in the four white spots between the veins beyond the discoidal cell being much smaller, their inner ends excavated ; the lowest one in the lower discoidal interspace the smallest and most deeply excavated, and shifted outwards, thus breaking the line of the spots ; the four spots from the third median nervule to the inner margin also much smaller, the two lower ones with their outer edges highly diffused instead of having them sharply defined. Hind wing with the discal white band narrower, its outer edge not defined with a line of the groundcolour as in E. durga ; its inner edge much more even ; the diffused fascia immediately beyond it bluish purple instead of green. U N DERSIDE : fore wing with the black increasing submarginal band springing posteriorly from the two apical white spots twice as wide ; the discal macular hand on both wings as on the upperside. A single female of this quite distinct species was obtained by Mr. A. V. Knyvett's native collectors near Buxa. Since my description was written, I have received Dr. O. Staudinger's work quoted above; and from it I learn that he has described this species from two male specimens from Sikkim, collected many years ago by the late W . S. Atkinson. CATAPCECILMA DELICATUM, n. sp. C. bubases, de Niceville (nee Hewitson), Journ. A. S. B. vol. liv. pt. ii. p. 118, pl. ii. figs. 11, male, I, female (1885). Through the kindness of Mr. W . L. Distant in sending me an advance copy of the figure of the true C. bubases, Hewitson, which is shortly to appear in the final part of his ' Rhopalocera Malayana,' I am at once enabled to see that Hewitson's description of his species does not apply to the species which occurs in Sikkim, but to which it is somewhat closely allied. When redescribing and figuring this species I was very uncertain whether or no to give it a name, and wrote:-" Hewitson's description of C. bubases is very meagre ; a comparison of his Malaccan female type with Sikkim specimens may disclose specific differences." This latter conjecture turns out to be a correct one, so I name the Sikkim species C. delicatum. |