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Show 1887.] MOLLUSKS OF THE VITI ISLANDS. 181 Otostomus (Placostylus) elobatus, Semper, Phil. Landmoll. iii. p. 157, pl. 15. fig. 5. Bulimus colubrinus, Pfeiffer, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1860, p. 138, pl. 51. fig. 4 ; Malak. Bliitt. 1861, p. 13 ; Mon. Hel. vi. p. 29 ; Crosse, Journ. de Conch. 1864, p. 139. This species is restricted to the island of Vanua Levu, where it occurs beneath decaying vegetation. Examples inhabiting the interior of the island are larger and much finer than those found in the forests near the sea-shore. M y largest specimens taken in the former location are 66 millim. long, and m y smallest (adults) from near the sea-shore are only 46 in length. The shape varies from oblong-ovate to elongate-ovate. It is solid, white or ruddy beneath a fulvous epidermis, and ornamented with longitudinal dark green waved or zigzagged stripes, which are more or less interrupted. The apical whorls are usually reddish. The aperture and lips are usually orange-red, and the throat frequently whitish. The last two whorls are minutely corrugated. A rare variety occurs with the lips and aperture wholly white. 4. PLACOSTYLUS MOROSUS. Bulimus morosus, Gould, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 1846, p. 190 ; Expl. Exp., Shells, p. 72, fig. 82 ; Pfeiffer, Mon. Hel. ii. p. 56 ; (Charis) id. Vers, p. 152 ; (Charis) Albers, Die Hel. 2nd ed. p. 196 ; (Charis) Paetel, Cat. Conch. 1873, p. 98; Garrett, Amer. Journ. Conch. 1872, p. 232 ; (Placostylus) Crosse, Journ. de Conch. 1875, p. 20, pl. 8. fig. 1; Kobelt, Jahrb. malak. Ges. 1875, p. 225, pl. 7. figs. 7-8. Placostylus (Charis) morosus, Mousson, Journ. de Conch. 1870, p. 125; Schmeltz, Cat. Mus. Godeff. v. p. 93. Bulimus elobatus, var. minor, Crosse, Journ. de Conch. 1864, p. 140. This very distinct arboreal species has a wider range than any other species inhabiting the group. It is distributed throughout all parts of Vanua Levu, where I collected numerous examples. I found it also on Rambi, Koro, Taviuni, Gomea, Lanthala, and Prof. Mousson, on the authority of Dr. Graffe, records it from Viti Levu. It is a rather thin, oblong-ovate, uniform white, decorticated shell, with a large aperture and widely reflected peristome. The rough surface is not so conspicuously malleated as P. malleatus. There exists a rare abbreviated variety on the west end of Vanua Levu, which exhibits a few olivaceous markings similar to those on the latter species. 5. PLACOSTYLUS SEEMANNI. Bulimus seemanni, Dohrn, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1861, p. 207, pl. 26. fig. 6; Crosse, Journ. de Conch. 1864, p. 123 ; Pfeiffer, Mon. Hel. vi. p. 13 ; Novit. Conch, iii. p. 474, pl. 102. fig. 18; Garrett, Amer. Journ. Conch. 1872, p. 232; (Eumecostylus) Paetel, Cat. Conch. 1873, p. 99 ; Crosse, Journ. de Conch. 1875, p. 10. Placostylus (Charis) seemanni, Mousson, Journ. de Conch. 1870, |