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Show 62 DR. B. C. A. WINDLE ON THE [Feb. 1, excessively small points, each of which fits into a corresponding depression in the alveolus (vide fig. 6, c). The second upper molar looks like one of the divisions of the first with an additional cusp attached to its antero-internal corner. It has three roots, two posterior with their surfaces placed external and internal, and one anterior with its surfaces anterior and posterior. The Hydromys chrysogaster: a, lower jaw; b, upper jaw; c, upper molar (enlarged). Stomach of Hydromys chrysogaster : oe, cardiac orifice; py, pyloric orifice. lower incisors (vide figs. 5, 6, a) are of greater length (1*55 cm.) and of about the same breadth, but of less thickness (0*25 cm. as compared with 0*4 cm.) than the upper. Their power of approximation, due to the mobility of the two halves of the inferior maxilla, has already been |