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Show 1887.] HERPETOLOGY OF THE SOLOMON ISLANDS. 337 BATRACHIA. CORNUFER DORSALIS, A. Dum. Faro Island. BATRACHYLODES, g. n. Ranidarum. Pupil horizontal. Tongue oval, free and feebly nicked behind. No vomerine teeth. Tympanum distinct. Fingers and toes free, the tips dilated into large disks. Distal phalanges T-shaped. Omosternum and sternum with a bony style. BATRACHYLODES VERTEBRALIS, sp. n. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 3.) Snout short, obtuse ; loreal region nearly vertical ; nostril nearer the tip of the snout than the eye; interorbital space broader than the upper eyelid ; tympanum three fifths the diameter of the eye. First finger shorter than second ; disk of third finger as large as the tympanum ; disk of toes smaller than of fingers; subarticular tubercles feeble; a rather indistinct, oval, inner metatarsal tubercle. When the hind limb is pressed against the body, the tibio-tarsal articulation marks the posterior border of the eye. Skin smooth above and below. Grey-brown above; a fine whitish vertebral line, continued along the upper face of the thigh and the outer side of the tibia and tarsus; a whitish line on the canthus rostralis, extending from eye to eye; it is continued behind the eye, as a gradually widening band, to the groin; side of head and of anterior half of body dark brown ; indistinct brown bands across the limbs; lower parts dirty white. From snout to vent 30 millim. A single adult female, from Faro Island. HYLA LUTEA, sp. n. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 4.) Tongue oval, slightly free and very slightly nicked behind. Vomerine teeth in two strong transverse groups close together between the choanae. Head much depressed, as long as broad or slightly broader than long; snout rounded ; canthus rostralis very indistinct; loreal region concave ; nostril nearer the tip of the snout than the eye, its distance from the latter equal to its d:ameter; interorbital space broader than the upper eyelid ; tympanum very distinct, about two thirds the diameter of the eye. Fingers halt-webbed, the web nearly reaching the disks of the second and third fingers; disks larger than the tympanum; no projecting rudiment of pollex. Toes three-fouiths webbed, the disks as large as the tympanum; subarticular tubercles small and flat; a small, flat, inner metatarsal tubercle ; no cutaneous tarsal fold. When the hind limb is pressed against the body, the tibio-tarsal articulation reaches the tip of the snout or a little beyond. Skin smooth; belly and lower surface of thighs with large flat granules. Uniform lemon-yellow above, white inferiorly ; a white line along the outer side of the forearm and fourth finger and of the tarsus and fifth toe. |