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Show 640 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON A NEW LIZARD. [Dec. 20, was stated to be 12 feet in length, of a jet-black, with throat and bars across its back. The Secretary remarked that the latter specimen would be particularly acceptable to this Society, as their large specimen of Ophiophagus bungarus received on the 5th March, 1875, had died on the 25th of October last, after living twelve years and seven months in the Society's Gardens, during which period it had been fed nearly entirely upon English snakes. A paper was read by Mr. Frank E. Beddard, F.Z.S., Prosector to the Society, entitled " Observations on the Structure of Hooker's Sea-Lion (Arctocephalus hoolceri)." This paper will be published entire in the Society's ' Transactions.' The following papers were read :- 1. Description of a new Genus of Lizards of the Family Teiidee. By G. A. B O U L E N G E R , F.Z.S. [Eeceived November 24, 1887.] STENOLEPIS. Tongue moderately elongate, arrow-headed. Head with large shields ; frontonasal separating the nasals ; no praefrontals ; frontoparietals present; nostril pierced in the lower part of the nasal, touching the first labial. Lower eyelid with an undivided, semi-transparent disk. Ear exposed. Limbs well developed, pentadactyle. Dorsal and lateral scales equal, hexagonal-lanceolate, keeled, imbricate, arranged in regular transverse series; ventral plates large, subquadrangular, rounded and overlapping posteriorly, smooth, arranged in regular longitudinal and transverse series. No collar-fold. Tail cylindrical. A praeanal pore on each side in the female. Nearly equally related to Arthrosaura, Blgr., and Heterodactylus, Spix. Agreeing with the former in the presence of frontoparietal shields, the distinct ear, and the well-developed pentadactyle limbs ; with the latter in the absence of praefrontal shields, the position of the nostril, the undivided palpebral disk, and the absence of a collar-fold ; with both in the scaling of the body. STENOLEPIS RIDLEYI. Habit lacertiform. Snout short, obtuse. Two large supraoculars, with a small one in front; frontal pentagonal, a little longer than broad ; frontoparietals small; a pair of large parietals, separated by an equally long, but narrow interparietal; a square occipital; a loreal and a freno-orbital; a row of very small suborbitals ; a large sub-circular temporal, with two smaller ones above it; six upper and five lower labials; five chin-shields, an anterior azygous and two pairs forming a suture, very large ; large transverse, rounded gulars, in two |