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Show 252 MR. E. B. POULTON ON THE PROTKCTIVE [Mar. 1, TABLE V. Species and Stage. Imago Cucullia verbasci ... Imago Gonoptera libatrix.. Imago Ennomos angularia. Imago Amphidasis betu-laria. Imago Halia wavaria Imago Camptogramma bilineata. Imago Chloephora prasinana Protective resemblance, or habits of concealment, evasion, &c. 3. LEPIDOPTEEOUS Fl ight (probably) rapid: at night. At rest exceedingly well protected by a most perfect resemblance, both in shape and colour, to a splinter of wood; the colours of the parts seen being rich umber-brown, shading into pale wainscot-brown, and this again into the darker colour. Flight rather slow : at night. At rest beautifully protected by a most special resemblance to a decayed red leaf with white spots of fungoid growth on it. The parts seen are grey with a reddish tinge, with patches of orange-red and light grey lines, and two minute but intensely white spots on each wing. Similar white marks occur on the legs, which are often partially seen at rest. The effect is greatly heightened by the irregularly toothed margin of the wings. The Moth appears in August and September, and hybernates, so that it is in the perfect state when red and brown leaves are chiefly seen, and when green leaves are mostly absent. It selects dark places in which to hybernate-tool-houses, attics, &c. Flight slow: in tbe evening. The angulated wings are yellow with brown lines and short brown streaks, and this colour and shape, together with the attitude and the colour of the undersides of wings (also often seen), all suggest a yellow leaf in a very perfect manner, aided by the time of appearance (August and September). Flight slow: in the evening. Both wings and body seen at rest, and dingy white with smoky markings (the latter m a y suffuse the whole surface in some varieties). Although conspicuous when found at rest, it must generally be concealed with care, for it is not found very commonly at rest, although such an abundant Moth. The protective resemblance may be to variegated lichens on rocks and trees. Flight not rapid : in the evening ; also easily disturbed by day. Both wings seen at rest (as is usual in Geometrse), and they and the body are grey; the wings with a purplish and brownish tinge, with brown spots and streaks (including the V-like mark). It is thus inconspicuous on tree-trunks &c, although without any special resemblance. Insect conspicuous on the wing. Flight not rapid : in the evening; also very easily disturbed by day. Well concealed in thick leaves when at rest. Wings and body yellow; former with slender white and brown waved lines. A variable amount of brown colouring. Flight rapid: in the evening. By day beautifully protected by resembling the green colour of foliage; the only parts seen (fore wings and part of body) being yellowish green with three silvery lines across the wing; these latter, on the opposite wings, come together at an angle during the attitude of rest, and convey the impression of leaf-veining. Moth flies in June. |