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Show 336 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON T H E [Mar. 15, one of the specimens, which has a very small shield above it) ; rostral forming a broad, straight suture with the frontonasal, which is much broader than long ; prsefrontals forming a median suture ; frontal much narrowed posteriorlv, as long as or shorter than frontoparietals and interparietal together, in contact with the first and second supraoculars; four supraoculars, first longest; eight or nine supraciliaries, first largest; frontoparietals and interparietal distinct, former longer than latter; parietals forming a suture behind the interparietal; no enlarged nuchals ; fifth upper labial largest and below the centre of the eye. Ear-opening oval, nearly as large as the eye-opening ; no auricular lobules. Scales smooth, or dorsals and laterals indistinctly pluricarinate, laterals smallest; 40 scales round the middle of the body. A pair of enlarged praeanals. The hind limb reaches the elbow of the adpressed fore limb or the axilla. Digits rather elongate, slightly compressed; subdigital lamellae smooth, 22 to 25 under the fourth toe. Tail once and a half the length of head and body. Dark brown above, with strong metallic gloss; back black-spotted; sides with black and whitish spots elegantly arranged ; a black band on each side of the head, passing through the eye ; sometimes a large, black, white-ed»ed spot on each side of the neck ; lower surfaces brownish white, clouded or longitudinally streaked with darker. millim. Total length 130 Head 13 Width of head 9 Body 49 Fore limb 17 Hind limb , 27 Tail (reproduced) 68 Four specimens from Faro Island. LYGOSOMA ALBOFASCIOLATUM, Gthr. Faro Island. TYPHLOPS ALUENSIS, sp. n. (Plate XXVIII. fig. 2.) Body much elongate, of subequal diameter throughout. Snout depressed, rounded. Nasal completely divided; a praeocular separates the nasal from the ocular, which rests on the third and fourth upper labials ; eye very distinct; the so-called rostral rounded posteriorly, its width about three fifths the distance between the eyes ; a small azygos shield separates the rostral from the mouth. 22 scales round the middle of the body. Tail comparatively long, twice and one third as long as broad at the base, tapering, ending iu a spine. Brown above, yellowish inferiorly ; upper head-shields edged with yellowish. Total length 245 millim. ; diameter of body 4; length of tail 10. A single specimen, from Alu, Shortland Islinds. |