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Show 474 MR. R. B. SHARPE ON SYRNIUM MAINGAYI. [May 17, barred, but without any ochreous tinge. This specimen is the type of Scully's Syrnium hodgsoni, and had the iris "golden yellow." This accords with Mr. Wray's finding of the specimen from Perak ; and the whole subject is worth inquiry from field-naturalists, for the Nepal specimen is a typical S. newarense in plumage, and has no ochreous tinge on the face, whereas the Perak specimen shows a decided tendency towards S. indrani. m. 3 ad. sk. Nepal, June 19, 1877 (Dr. J. Hume Collection. Scully). "Wing 15*7 inches in the flesh" (J. S.). Quite as dark as the preceding bird in the face, and much darker on the fore neck, which inclines to uniform brown. Were it not for the known accuracy of Dr. Scully's determinations, I should have judged this bird to be a female from its size and colour. n. Ad. sk. Nepal. Hodgson Collection. Wing 14 inches. Of the dark-chested kind, with a decided ochreous tinge on the face. o. Ad. sk. Nepal. Hodgson Collection. Wing 14*0 inches. A dark bird, with the face strongly barred and slightly tinged with ochreous. A considerable part of the fore neck uniform brown. p. Ad. sk. Nepal. Hodgson Collection. Wing 13*3 inches. Similarly marked to the foregoing, with a considerable amount of uniform brown on the fore neck and a decided tinge of ochreous on the face. q. Ad. sk. Nepal. Hodgson Collection. Wing 14*0 inches. Very pale in colour, and resembling the Kumaon bird in appearance but very much smaller. r. Ad. sk. Nepal. Hodgson Collection. Wing 16 0 inches. Only differs in size from the foregoing example, like which it has a generally pale tone. s. 3 ad. sk. Native Sikhim, Jan. 1874 Hume Collection. (L. Mandelli). Wing 13*7 inches. Very dark in colour, strongly washed with ochre on the under surface and with rufous on the face ; the eyebrow also slightly fulvescent. Across the chest is a tolerably well-defined and nearly uniform brown band. This specimen has the appearance of being an extremely old bird, and on the crown are some curious white-tipped hairs protruding from the midst of the feathers. t. 2 a^. Native Sikhim, Jan. 1874 Hume Collection. (L. Mandelli). Wing 15 inches. Chest nearly uniform. Face very dark, with a rufous tinge. M. Ad. sk. Native Sikhim, Feb. 1875 Hume Collection. (L. Mandelli). Wing 15*0 inches. Strongly tinged with ochreous buff, the bars |