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Show 438 MR. R. B. SHARPE ON BIRDS FROM PERAK. [May 3, fore neck and breast with dusky margins to some of the feathers ; sides of breast and of abdomen ashy grey, mottled with lanceolate streaks of white, narrower on the latter; sides of body and flanks uniform reddish brown ; thighs and under tail-coverts also reddish brown ; under wing-coverts and axillaries dark ashy ; quills below dusky blackish, more ashy along the inner edge. Total length 10 inches, culmen 1*7, wing 4'1, tail 3-95, tarsus T55. Adult male. Similar to the female, but not so strongly streaked with white down the sides of the neck. Total length 10 inches, culmen 1*65, wing 4-0, tarsus 1*6. I have described the female, as the male is moulting and has not got its perfect tail. CORYTHOCICHLA LEUCOSTICTA, Sp. n. "No. 37. 6 $• Irides crimson. Frequents the undergrowth usually in pairs, and has an unusually loud song for such a small bird." Compared with C. striata the present species is more ashy both above and below, and is easily distinguished by the white dots on the coverts and quills, these being fulvous in C. striata. The throat is distinctly mottled with blackish (not ashy) centres to the feathers. Adult male. General colour above ashy brown, with a slight ruddy tinge; all the feathers edged with black, producing a mottled appearance; rump not so distinctly mottled; wing-coverts like the back, and edged with black in the same manner, each having a tiny white spot at the tip; bastard-wing, primary-coverts, and quills blackish, externally olive-brown, a little more ruddy on the latter; all the quills with a tiny white spot at the end, larger on the inner secondaries; tail-feathers dark brown, externally reddish brown; head like the back, and mottled with black edgings in the same manner ; lores and a distinct broad eyebrow ashy grey ; sides of face dull ashy, shaded with brown on the ear-coverts, and having a faint moustache of whitish near the gape; cheeks uniform ashy grey; throat white, mottled with dark ashy-grey centres to the feathers; remainder of under surface of body dull ashy brown, with dusky centres; the sides of the body browner, becoming more rufous on the flanks and under tail-coverts; axillaries and under wing-coverts olive-brown. Total length 5'4 inches, culmen 0-7, wing 25, tail 1*8, tarsus 0-95. Adult female. Similar to the male, but rather paler in colour. Total length 5'2 inches, culmen 0 7 , wing 2-55, tail T75, tarsus 0'9. SIVA SORDIDA, Hume; Sharpe, Cat. B. vii. p. 641. " No. 33. Irides white. This Hill-Tit is not often seen, so far as my experience goes. During bad stormy weather it seems to disappear altogether, probably taking refuge in the sheltered valleys." A young bird, belonging to S. sordida or a closely allied species, and certainly quite distinct from S. cyanoptera. It has rather a long tail, and is yellower underneath than the type of S. sordida, and a comparison of fully adult birds is desirable. |