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Show ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 705 Nov. 16. 2 South-American Flamingos (Phoznicopterus iynipalliatus). Deposited. 17. 2 Mouflons (Ovis musimon), 3 $. Deposited. 2 Barbary Wild Sheep (Ovis tragelaphus), 3 $ . Deposited. 18. 1 African Wild Ass (Equus tceniopus), 3 . Born in the Menagerie. 21. 2 White-backed Piping-Crows (Gymnorhina leuconota). Presented by C. Sadler, Esq. 22. 1 Knot (Tringa canutus). Presented by Mr, Howard Bunn. 23. 1 Crowned Hawk-Eagle (Spiza'etus coronatus, jr.). Presented by E. A. Hart, Esq. 2 Cereopsis Geese (Cereopsis novce-hollandice), 3 2. Presented by His Grace The Duke of Northumberland, F.Z.S. 2 Thunder-fish (Misgurnus fossilis). Presented by Messrs. Paul & Co. 4 Chub (Leuciscas cephalus). Presented by Messrs. Paul & Co. 26. 1 Cheetah (Cyncelurus jubatus). Presented by Fred. Holmwood, Esq. From East Africa. 2 Cape Crowned Cranes (Balearica chrysopelargus). Deposited. 1 Common Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra). Presented by Mr. S. R. Arnold. 27. 1 Mealy Amazon (Chrysotis farinosa). Deposited. 28. 1 Striped Hyaena (Hycena striata). Presented by Ernest Heydon Marquis, Esq. 1 Zebu (Bos indicus), 2 • Deposited. 30. 1 Crested Porcupine (Hystrix cristata). Presented by His Grace The Duke of Hamilton, K.T., F.Z.S. Dec. 1. 1 Horned Tragopan (Ceriornis satyr a), 3 • Presented by R. J. Lloyd Price, Esq., F.Z.S. 1 Vinaceous Dove (Turdus vinaceus). Presented by R. H. Mit-ford, Esq. 2. 2 Common Squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris), 2 $. Presented by Mrs. Henry Alex. Hankey. 3. 2 Sandwich-Island Geese (Bernicla sandvicensis), 3 2 • Deposited. 5. 3 American Flying Squirrels (Sciuropterus volucella). Presented by Henry D. Harrison, Esq. 2 Common Wolves (Canis lupus), 3 2 • Received in Exchange. 6. 2 Great Eagle-Owls (Bubo maximus). Deposited. 14. 1 Common Wolf (Canis lupus), 3. Presented by C. S. Hardy, Esq. 1 Spotted Crake (Porzana maruetta). Presented by T. W . Proger, Esq. 16. 2 Golden Plovers (Charadrius pluvialis). Purchased. 19. 2 Viscachas (Lagostomus trichodactylus). Born in the Menagerie. 1 White-crested Guan (Pipile jacutinga). Presented by Capt. Jas. Smith, s.s. ' Godiva.' 22. 2 Silky Bower-birds {Ptilonorhynchus violaceus). Deposited. 29. 1 Common Otter (Lutra vulgaris). Presented by Edward Hart, 1 Griffith's Fox: (Canis griffitht). Presented by Lieut.-Col. Sir Oliver B. C. St. John, K.C.S.I., F.Z.S. From Afghanistan. 2 Spotted Ichneumons (Herpestes nepalensis). Presented by Lieut.-Col. Sir Oliver B. C. St. John, K.C.S.I., F.Z.S. 30. 1 Red-throated Diver (Colymbus septentrionalis). Presented by Chas. A. Howell, Esq. 31. 2 Greater Sulphur-crested Cockatoos (Cacatua galenta). Presented by Master Rankin. |