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Show 558 THE SECRETARY ON ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. [Nov.15, 13. On a new Species of Calyptomena. By R. BOWDLER SHARPE, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. [Received June 23, 1887.] The genus Calyptomena has, until now, been considered to contain a single species, C. viridis (Raffl.), confined to the Indo-Malayan region, and more especially common in Malacca and Borneo than in any other part of its range. The splendid species which I now describe makes the second one of the genus, and was discovered by my friend Mr. John Whitehead on the mountain of Kina Balu. It is at least twice the size of Calyptomena viridis, and is easily distinguished by the characters given below. I have named it after Mr. Whitehead, in acknowledgment of the enterprise he has shown during his travels in the East. CALYPTOMENA WHITEHEADI, sp. nov. 3 . C. similis C. viridi, sed duplo major, et plaga magna jugulari nigra, plumis dorsi pectorisque nigris, viridi lanceolatim termi-natis, cauda velutino-nigra (ad basin viridi) et secundariis cyaneo marginatis distinguenda. Long. tot. 11*0, culm. 0*65, ala 6*35, cauda 3*2, tarsi 1*0. 2 • Mari similis, sed coloribus dilutioribus et crista frontali minore distinguenda. Long. tot. 9'8, culm. 0*75, ala 6*1, cauda 3*3, tarsi 1*05. Hab. In monte 'Kina Balu' dicto, in Borneo septeutrionali. November 15, 1887. Prof. W. H. Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. The Secretary read the following reports on the additions made to the Society's Menagerie during the months of June, July, August, September, and October, 1887*- The total number of registered additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of June was 143, of which 31 were by birth, 75 by presentation, 25 by purchase, and 12 were received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period by death and removals was 94. The registered additions to the Society's Menagerie during the month of July were 130 in number ; of these 53 were acquired by presentation, 32 by purchase, 15 by birth, and 30 were received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period by death and removals was 83. |