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Show 574 MR. A. G. B U T L E R O N W . - A F R I C A N L E P I D O P T E R A . [Nov. 15, 54. TAGIADES BRIGIDA, var. Antigonus brigida, Plotz, Stett. ent. Zeit. 1879, p. 361. n. 32. But for the fact that the type of this species was from the Cameroons, coupled with the remark " Diese Art sieht Trichoneura, Feld., ahnlich," I should certainly have failed to identify it; the description, " Hind wings above with broad straw- or orange-yellow borders," hardly represents an insect in which more than half the hind wing is bright orange; nor does the statement that there are "six hyaline white points " in the front wings answer to a specimen with ten. However, I am unwilling to risk describing as new a species which may be subject to variation and therefore already described as above, or which may have been incorrectly described. 55. CERATRICHIA ARGYROSTICTA? Apaustus argyrosticta, Plotz, Stett. ent. Zeit. 1879, p. 358. n. 22. One example so nearly approaching the description of the above that I think it can hardly be distinct. HETEROCERA. 56. PSEUDOPONTIA PARADOXA. Globiceps paradoxa, Felder, Pet. Nouv. Ent. n. 8 (1869). Gonophlebia paradoxa, Felder, /. c. n. 24, p. 95, fig. (1870). Pseudopontia calabarica, Plotz, Stett. ent. Zeit. 1870, p. 348 pl. 2. figs. 1 a-f. r I cannot understand why this insect has been referred to the Butterflies ; the structure of the antennae and the neuration are altogether peculiar. In m y opinion the genus is more nearly related to the Chalcosiid moths. 57. OTROEDA OCCIDENTIS. Otroeda occidentis, Walker, Cat. Lep. Het. ii. p. 403. n. 2 (1854). One male example. 58. CHRYSOPOLOMA RUDIS. Lasiocampa rudis, Walker, Cat. Lep. Het. Suppl. ii. p. 561 59. PITTHEA CONTINUA. Pitthea continua, Walker, Cat. Lep. Het. ii. p. 463. n. 1 (1854). 60. CYLIGRAMMA LATONA. Phalana-Noctua latona, Cramer, Pap. Exot. i. p. 20, pl. 13. \>- J $ y j • 61. AZAZIA RUBRICANS. Ophiusa rubricans, Boisduval, Faune, Lep. Madag. p. 106 n 11 pl. 16. fig. 1. |