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Show 140 PROF. F. J. BELL ON ECHINODERMATA [Feb 15, Journal of the Linnean Society ' ; with the contents of this paper the reports of Prof. Duncan, Dr. H. Carpenter, and Mr. Sladen on the other groups of Mergui Echinoderms should, on their publication, be consulted. I have tried to arrange the information to be given in the shortest and clearest way possible, giving first a list of the species, then remarks on those to which it is important to direct special attention. I. CRINOIDEA. 1. Antedon, sp. II. ASTEROIDEA. 2. Acanthaster echinites, E. 8c S. 3. Fromia indica, Perrier. 4. tumida, Bell. 5. Linckia laevigata, L. 6. pacifica, Gray. 7. Scytaster novas-caledonise, Perrier. 8. Culcita grex, M. Tr. 9. schmideliana, Eetz? 10. sp. (" Randasia gramdata.") 11. Astropectenpolyacanthus, M. Tr. 12. sp. 13. Archaster typicus, M. Tr. III. OPHIUROIDEA. 14. Pectinura gorgonia, M. Tr. 15. Ophiolepis annulosa, M. Tr. 16. Ophiocoma scolopendrina, Lamk. 17. Ophiocoma aethiops, Liitken. 18. Ophiomastix annulosa, M. Tr. 19. Ophiarachna incrassata, M. Tr. IV. ECHINOIDEA. 20. Phyllacanthus verticillatus, Lmk. 21. Diadema setosum, Gray. 22. Astropyga radiata, Leske. 23. Toxopneustes pileolus, Lamk. 24. Echinometra lucunter, Leske. 25. Colobocentrotus atratus, L. 26. Echinoneus cylostomus, Leske. 27. Metalia stern alis, Lamk. 28. Moira stygia (Liitken, MSS.), A.Ag. V. HOLOTHURIOIDEA. 29. Ohirodota rufescens, Brandt. 30. Haplodactyla andamanensis. 31. Pseudoeucumis acicula, Semper. 32. Muelleria mauritiana, Q. Sc G. 33. - - miliaris, Q. Sc G. 34. Holothuria albida. 35. atra, Jager. 36. cadelli. 37. impatiens, Forskal. 38. Holothuria lineata, Ludwig. maculata, Brandt. marmorata, Jager. monacaria, Lesson. papillatn. vagabunda, Selenka. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Stichopus chloronotus, Brandt. 45. variegatus, Semper. In addition, there are five specimens belonging to as many species of Holothuria as to which I must reserve an opinion till I have, as I hope to have soon, a larger series before me. CRINOIDEA. ANTEDON, sp. This Antedon is represented also in the collection made at Mergui 1 J. L. S. xxi. p. 25 ; the whole of vol. xxi. of that Journal will be devoted to the fauna of Mergui. 2 Prof. Loveii assures me that I was quite wrong in ascribing to Bruzelius the tract that bears his name (Ann. N. II. (5) ix. p. 166). |