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Show 50 MR. A. THOMSON'S REPORT O N THE INSECT-HOUSE. [Feb. 1, 9. MYIOBIUS SUBOCHRACEUS, sp. nov. Supra sordide olivaceo-viridis, uropygio paulo magis ochraceo; nigricantibus, tectricum alarium apicibus latis et secundariorum marginibus externis pallide fulvis ; cauda obscure cinerea Icete ochraceus, in rostro medio magis flavescens; subalaribus pallide ochraceis; rostro obscure fusco; pedibus nigris: tota 4*7, alee 2'5, cauda 2'6. Hab. Bolivia. Mus. S.-G. Obs. Affinis M. pulchro, sed crassitie majore et colore subtus ochraceo diversus. The specimen described is apparently a female of a third species of the group of M. pulcher, distinguished by its large size and the uniform ochraceous colouring below. There is just a faint appearance of a bright colour on the crown, so that the male would probably have a concealed orange crest. The bill is rather narrower and more elongated than in M. bellus and M. pulcher. 10. EMPIDONAX RIDGWAYI, sp. nov. Supra obscure olivaceo-viridis, loris et oculorum ambitu alis schistaceo-nigris, tectricum alarium apicibus externorum marginibus externis albescentibus, vix tinctis; cauda schistaceo-nigra; ha/us rectricis pogonio externa albido; infra sordide albus, in gula media ventre inferiore et crisso flavicante tinctis; subalaribus rostro superiore obscure corneo, inferiore albido; pedibus long, tota 5'0, ala 2"7, cauda 23. Hab. Colombia int. Mus. P. L. S. Mr. Ridgway marks this bird, which has been submitted to his examination, as " probably a new species, most like E. trailli in coloration, but with the outer web of the exterior rectri.x white, as in E. obscurus.'" I propose to adopt this suggestion, which I quite agree with, and to call the species Empidonax ridgwayi, after one who has done so much good work in this group of birds. The second, third, and fourth primaries are nearly equal and longest in this species. The first is shorter than the fifth, and very slightly longer than the sixth. February 1, 1887. Dr. St. George Mivart, F.R.S., Vice-President, in the Chair. Mr. F. Day, F.Z.S., exhibited a specimen of a hybrid Pilchard, a specimen of Salmo purpuratus raised in this country. A series of specimens of Lepidopterous Insects, which had bred in tbe Insect-house during the past season, was laid on the |