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Show 1887.] OF JAPAN AND COREA. 421 Central Japan and Yesso. V. "pryeri" is only taken in autumn or after hybernation. The other forms of this variable species occur all through the summer. 86. VANESSA URTIGE, Linn. V. connexa, Butl. P. Z. S. 1881, p. 851. This is a very good local form of urtica. I took it about halfway up the volcano near Hakodate in September, and I believe it does not occur in other parts of Japan. I hear that the same form occurs in Amurland with the intermediate forms. An English entomologist in Hakodate informed me that the larva was like that of urtica, and fed upon nettles. 87. VANESSA CALLIRHOE, Fabr. Papilio atalanta indica, Herbst. Common all over Japan and Corea. 88. VANESSA CARDUI, Linn. This is not a common species; I took it at Yesso and Corea, and it occurs near Yokohama. 89. VANESSA IO, Linn. Not very common in Central Japan, where it keeps to the mountains, but plentiful in Yesso and Corea. It does not vary in the least from European specimens. 90. VANESSA CHARONIA. V. charonia, Drury, Ex. Ent. i. t. 15 (1773); Brem. Lep. Ost- Sib. p. 18. Var. glauconia, Motsch. Et. Ent. ix. p. 28 (1860). Common all over Japan and Corea. It is a variable species in the width of the blue submarginal bands and the size and colour of the costal spots, which may be either blue or white ; the blue submarginal band of the fore wing, which usually ceases at its junction with the larger costal spot, is in some specimens carried up as far as the apical spot, noticeably so in specimens taken in the mountain-districts of Central Japan in October. 91. VANESSA ANTIOPA, Linn. I took this species at Hakodate in August and in Oiwake (Central Japan) in October. It does not differ from European examples, and has the same habit of settling on the road, and, when disturbed, taking a short flight and returning to the same spot. 92. VANESSA XANTHOMELAS, Schiff. Common all over Japan and Corea. Some specimens are remarkably large aud bright. |