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Show LIST OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. T H E scientific publications of the Zoological Society are of two kinds - -" Proceedings/' published in an octavo form, and "Transactions," in quarto. According to the present arrangements, the " Proceedings" contain not only notices of all business transacted at the scientific meetings, but also all the papers read at such meetings and recommended to be published in the " Proceedings " by the Committee of Publication. From fifty to seventy coloured plates and engravings are attached to each annual volume of the "Proceedings," to illustrate the new or otherwise remarkable species of animals described in them. Amongst such illustrations, figures of the new or rare species acquired in a living state for the Society's Gardens are often given. The "Proceedings" for each year are issued in four parts, on the first of the months of June, August, October, and April, the part published in April completing the volume 'or the preceding year. The price is 12*. per part for the edition with coloured, and 3*. per part for that with uncoloured Plates, The "Transactions" contain such of the more important communications made to the scientific meetings of the Society as, on account of the nature of the plates required to illustrate them, are better adapted for publication in the quarto form. They are issued at irregular intervals. Fellows and Corresponding Members, upon payment of a Subscription of One Guinea before the day of the Anniversary Meeting in each year, are entitled to receive all the Society's Publications for the year. They are likewise entitled to purchase the Publications of the Society at 25 per cent, less than the price charged for them to the Public. A further reduction of 25 per cent, is made upon purchases of Publications issued prior to 1861, if they exceed the value of five pounds. The following is a complete list of the publications of the Society already issued. They may be obtained at the Society's Office (3 Hanover Square, W . ) , at Messrs. Longmans', the Society's publishers (Paternoster Row, E.C.), or through any bookseller. [August 1, 1887-] |