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Show 1887.] PERIPATUS F R O M BRITISH GUIANA. 135 (11) GRUBE, E. Untersuchungen fiber den Bau von Peripatus edwardsii. Midler's Arch. Anat. Phys. 1853, pp. 322-360, Taf. ix., x. 1853. A description of the anatomy oi Peripatus from specimens obtained at Colonia de Tovar, in Venezuela. (12) GAY, C. Historia fisica y politica de Chile. Fauna, Vol. iii. Atlas, Annelides, Lam. iii. fig 2. 1854. On page 58 is a description of a new species (Peripatus blainvillii), with 19 pairs of legs, from Chile. In the Atlas, it may be observed, this species is figured with varying numbers of pairs of legs, in one case 30 and another 29. (13) QUATREFAGES, A. DE. Histoire Naturelle des Annele's. Tome ii. Paris, 1865. 8vo. On page 675 is an account of the genus Peripatus and of the species then known. (14) GRUBE, E. Reise der osterreichischen Fregatte Novara. Zool. Theil ii. Anneliden. Wien, 1867. Description of P. capensis found near Coustantia at the Cape. See p. 4, pl. iv. figs. 3, 4a. (15)* S A N G E R . Description of a Peripatus from Australia. Transactions of the Russian Assembly of Naturalists, held at Moscow in 1867. Moscow, 1869. Description of P. leuckarti from Australia, and of the anatomy of P. capensis, in Russian. (16) L E U C K A R T . Bericht ub. Leist in d. Naturgeschichte der Niederen Thiere wahrend der J. 1868-1869. Arch. f. Nat. (Troschel), xxxv. pt. 2, pp. 277-278. 1869. A resume of Sanger's paper, containing an account of the anatomy oi Peripatus capensis and of the new species from Australia, Peripatus leuckarti. (17) B E L T , T. The Naturalist in Nicaragua. 8vo. London, 1874. Mention is made (p. 140) of Peripatus in Nicaragua, though not by name. The specimen procured by Belt was afterwards identified by Prof. Moseley (22). (18) M O S E L E Y , H. N. On the Structure and Development of Peripatus capensis. Phil. Trans, clxiv. pis. lxxii.-lxxv. pp. 757-782 ; and Proc. R. S. xxii. pp. 344-350. 1874. General account of the anatomy and development of the Cape species of Peripatus from specimens obtained during the ' Challenger' Expedition. ( 1 9) H U T T O N , F. W . On Peripatus nova-sealandia. Ann. Mag. N. H. (4) xviii. pl. xvii. pp. 361-369, 1876 ; also op. cit. (4) xx. pp. 81-83, 1877; and op. cit. (5) i. pp. 204-206, 1878. Description of the New-Zealand species of Peripatus, with an |