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Show 48 MR. SCLATER O N N E W SPECIES OF TYRANNID,E. [Jan. 18, antica alba, ventre medio albicante; lateribus olivaceis ; tectri-cibus subalaribus albis, campterio jiavicante; rostro brunneo, infra dilutiore; pedibuspallidis: long, tota 3'8, al& l-8, caudce 1-6. Hab. Brazil. Mus. Parisiensi. A single skin of this well-marked species was presented to the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle by M . Peichoto in 1854. It belongs to the group of E. granadensis, and has a similar large cervical spot, but is readily distinguishable from all its allies by its pale brownish head and the white tips to the tail-feathers. I am much indebted to M . A. Milne-Edwards and the authorities of the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle of Paris for allowing me to bring to England for comparison and identification some of the more difficult and obscure examples of the Tyrannidse in that collection. 3. POGONOTRICCUS GUALAQUIZ.E, Sp. nOV. " Pogonotriccus gualaquisce, Scl. MS.," Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 89. Similis P. ophthalmico, sed pileo obscure olivaceo, tectricibus auri-cularibus non nigro notatis, et colore subtus dilutiore diversus long, tota 4'0, aim 19, caudce 1"7. Fern, mari similis. Hab. iEquatoria occ. Mus. P. L. S. The two examples of this species have long remained in my collection with the M S . name by which I now characterize them. They were obtained by Fraser at Gualaquiza, Ecuador, in January 1858, and are marked as male and female. Mr. Stolzmann procured a single example of the same bird at Mapoto, in the province of Ambato. 4. LEPTOPOGON GODMANI. Supra olivaceo-viridis, pileo obscure cinereo; loris, superciliis capitis lateribus albicante mixtis ; tectricibus auricularibus macula terminali nigra prceditis; alis nigricantibus flavicante bifasciatis, el hoc colore in secundai'iis externis limbatis j ceteris remigibus olivaceo marginatis ; cauda cinerascenti-brunnea olivaceo limbata; subtus sulphureo-flavus, pectore et lateribus olivaceo tinctis ; tectricibus subalaribus sulphureis ; rostro corneo, pedibus fuscis: long, tota 4*0, alee 2'3, caudce 2-Hab. ^Equatoria orientalis. Mus. Salvano-Godmanico. Two skins of this species were obtained at Sarayacu, Ecuador, by Buckley. It is most like L. superciliaris and L. pcecilotus, but differs in its smaller size, yellow wing-bands, and shorter, broader bill. 5. LEPTOPOGON OUSTALETI, sp. nov. (Plate IX. fig. 2.) Supra olivaceo-viridis, pileo concolore ; linea circumoculari flava macula auriculari nigra ; alis caudaque obscure brunneis olivaceo limbatis; campterio flavo : subtus pallide flzvidus olivaceo adumbratus, gula et ventre medio clarioribus; tectricibus sub- |