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Show 678 MR. H. D R U C E O N N E W SPECIES O F [Dec. 20, small yellow spot at the end of the cell. The head, thorax, abdomen pale yellowish straw-colour; antennae and legs darker yellow. The female is in all respects identical with the male but considerably larger. Expanse, 3 2% inches, 2 3_j inches. Hab. East Africa : Delagoa Bay (Mrs. Monteiro). This species is very distinct from any other known to me. TRABALA, Walk. TRABALA ROSA, n. sp. Male. Primaries reddish fawn-colour, darkest from the base to about the middle, where it is crossed by a narrow black curved line, which extends from the costal margin to the inner margin, and it is bordered on the outer side by a narrow whitish line; between the line and the outer margin a row of small black spots crosses from the apex to the inner margin near the anal angle; a small white spot edged with black at the end of the cell. Secondaries reddish fawn-colour, darkest at the base and along the inner margin; a narrow indistinct black line crossing the wing from near the apex nearly to the middle of the inner margin, but not quite reaching it. The underside of all the wings pinkish fawn-colour, with the bands and spots as on the upperside, but of a reddish-brown colour, the spots extending across the hind wing. Head, thorax, abdomen, antennae, and legs uniform reddish fawn-colour. Female. Primaries and secondaries uniform pale whitish fawn-colour shaded with pink, thickly irrorated with minute black specks ; the primaries crossed from the costal margin to the inner margin by two curved black lines, the first near the base, the second beyond the middle, and a submarginal row of black spots corresponding with those on the primaries of the male ; the black band on the secondaries is very indistinct. The underside much paler than above, with the sub-marginal row of black spots quite large on both wings. Head, thorax, and the abdomen the same colour as the wings ; the anal tufts very large and a shade darker in colour than the abdomen. Antennae and legs reddish fawn-colour. Expanse, 3 3 inches, $ 4 inches. Hab. East Africa : Delagoa Bay (Mrs. Monteiro). This fine species is allied to Eutricha rennei, Dewitz, from which it is quite distinct. MEGASOMA, Hiibn. M E G A S O M A POLYDORA, n. sp. (Plate LV. fig. 11, 3 .) Male. Primaries reddish brown, paler along the outer margin, and from the anal angle to the base; a small white spot close to the base, beyond which a minute white streak ; a round orange coloured spot at the end of the cell, with a darker spot on the inner side ; a narrow white streak crosses the wing from the apex to near the anal angle, but does not quite reach that point. Secondaries uniform reddish brown; the fringe and a few hairs along the inner margin |