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Show 1887.] MOLLUSKS OF THE VITI ISLANDS. 175 shell, with a flattened base, 6-7 whorls, the last one obtuse and angulated at the periphery. 6. TROCHOMORPHA PLANOCONUS. Trochomorpha planoconus, Mousson, MS., Museum Godeffroy, 1885. Shell umbilicated, trochiform, rather solid, scarcely shining, rugosely striated ; striae rude, irregular, oblique ; colour chestnut-black, varigated with fulvous, gradually passing into dark chestnut-brown ; apex obtuse ; base dark honey-yellow, with a darker line near the keel ; spire elevated, conoid, with planulate outlines ; suturo linear, narrowly margined ; whorls 7, slightly convex, slowly and regularly increasing, last one acutely carinated ; keel compressed and rugose ; umbilicus small, deep ; aperture diagonal, subrhomobidal-luniform ; peristome above the keel acute and gently arched, below the keel thickened and concave. Major diam. 19, height 10 millim. Ono Island. Two examples received from the Museum Godeffroy. As compared with T. merzianoides, it is much more conical, darker coloured, smaller, and the umbilicus is not so large. 7. TROCHOMORPHA FESSONIA. Helix (Trochomorpha) fessonia, Angas, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1869, p. 626, pl. 48. fig. 7 ; Brazier, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 322 (part.); Schmeltz. Cat. Mus. Godeff. v. p. 94 ; Pfeiffer, Mon. Hel. vii. p. 201. Trochomorpha (Discus) transarata, var. depresso-striata, Mousson, Journ. de Conch. 1870, p. 121. I received several examples of this species from Kantavu Island, where Mr. Brazier obtained the type specimens. On trees. Dr. Graffe found it (rare) in the interior of Viti Levu. Its most essential characters are its rather small size (12 millim.), depressed trochiform shape, crowded irregular plicate striae, brownish colour, and pale markings. The spire is convexly-conical; whorls 6, with narrow white margins. Base rather flat, corneous, with a reddish-brown band next to the acute white keel. Umbilicus small. 8. TROCHOMORPHA TRANSARATA. Helix transarata, Mousson, Journ. de Conch. 1865, p. 194; Pfeiffer, Mon. Hel. v. p. 183; Schmeltz, Cat. Mus. Godeff. iv. p. 73. Trochomorpha (Discus) transarata, Mousson, Journ. de Conch. 1870, p. 121, pl. 7. fig. 1 (excl. var.). Helix fessonia (Trochomorpha), Brazier, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 322 (part.). When Prof. Mousson first described this species, he had only a single imperfect young example before him, which Dr. Graffe |