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Show 356 MR. R. S. WRAY ON THE MORPHOLOGY [Apr. 5, it indicates the number of rows, and placing these symbols above below a line, thus ^-^ their dorsal or ventral position ; the Pi' ginals are expressed by p, the humerals by h, the axillars by x, a number after the h or x denoting the number of specialized feathers forming the "parapteron" and " hypopteron." When any two rows are confluent it may be indicated thus, y x, where the axillars and minores are indistinguishable as separate groups ; Al expresses the quill-feathers of the pollex. Formula for the Duck :- Md 11 m6 db "iftrP. C°19 °iftrg*6ji AU. "iPiTM "1^173^7(2-3)/* Typical Passerine formula :- MdlO m6 d4 ajJklE c9^iAloi^ A13. «I Po r/* ao Pi Y* /* Formula for Ostrich wing :- MdlQ mS dS ^1 g20gl^Yl/t A14. "i ai These formulae might prove of value to ornithologists by enabling them to briefly express the main characters of the wings of different groups of birds. The three given above at once express very great differences in the wings of these birds : thus it is seen at once how, in the Passerine, the upper minores, the axillars, and humerals are absent; and the whole of the lower coverts, except one row, in the Ostrich. These are here introduced to show the possibility of using a wing-formula expressing most of the characters. DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXIX. Drawing of a preparation of the right wing of the Wild Duck, seen from below, showing the relation of the quill-feathers to the bones. al. Plumse pollicis (alula). C. Cubitals or secondary remiges. Md. Meta-carpo- digitals or primary remiges. M. Metacarpals. D. Digitals. Ad. Addigital. Md 1 & 2. Middigitals 1 and 2. Pd 1. Predigital 1. Pd 2 or R. Predigital 2 or remicle. H. Humerus. R.Radius. Ul. Ulna. Sc. Scaphoid. Cu. Cuneiform. Mc 1, 2, 3. Metacarpals 1, 2, 3. Ph 1, 2, 3. Phalanges 1, 2, 3. I., II., III. Digits 1, 2, and 3. PLATE XXX. a. Plan of the arrangement of the feathers on the dorsal surface of the extended left wing of Anas bosckas. b. Plan of the arrangement of the feathers on the ventral surface of the extended right wing of Anas boschas. C. Cubitals (grey). Md. Metacarpo-digitals (grey), a. Tectrices majores (pink). /3. Tectrices mediae (green), y. Tectrices minores (brown). /_.. Tectrices marginales (yellow). Al. Plumse pollicis (red). h. Humerals. x. Axillars. x'. Axillary row of minores. |