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Show 268 MR. E. B. POULTON ON THE PROTECTIVE [Mar. J , up, abandoned, and again taken up, but never in quite the same combination or with quite the same defensive meaning. APPENDIX I. J. Jenner Weir's Diary of Observations during 1886. The Lizards with which the following experiments were made were:- Lacerta viridis, two specimens, c? & $ . Lacerta agilis, two specimens, c$ & $ . Zootoca vivipara, one specimen, $ . May 31.-Lacerta viridis S seized the larva of Abraxas grossulariata, and immediately dropped it, afterwards licking its jaws as if to remove the unpleasant taste ; the $ of the same species then examined the caterpillar and rejected it. June 4.-Lacerta viridis ate the imago of a species of Chrysopa twice during the day ; this was the more remarkable, as these insects are peculiarly malodorous. June 9.-Lacerta viridis ate two larvse of Clisiocampa neustria, but afterwards refused to eat more. June 11.-Lacerta agilis § after much hesitation swallowed a larva of Clisiocampa neustria. June 12.-Larvse of C. neustria and Porthesia similis (auriflua) refused by all. Lacerta agilis $ ate one larva of Abraxas grossulariata. June 13.-The imago of Tipula oleracea eaten by $ Lacerta viridis. June 14.-Larva of Abraxas grossulariata tasted by Lacerta viridis S , and rejected. June 15.-Lacerta viridis 3 ate Clisiocampa neustria; Lacerta agilis S bit the larva of Abraxas grossulariata, but refused to eat it, and afterwards rubbed his nose and mouth against the moss as if endeavouring to remove a disagreeable taste. Cocoons of ants were eaten with avidity. July 1.-L. viridis, L. agilis, and Zootoca vivipara all ate Aphides. July 9.-Imagines of A. grossulariata refused by Lizards. One imago of Porthesia similis (auriflua) eaten. Aphides scarcely noticed. July 31.-Imagines oi Halia wavaria and Camptogramma bilineata eaten. Spiders eaten greedily. August 2.-Imago of Abraxas grossulariata refused after having been seized. August 6.-Lacerta agilis ate unwillingly, and L. viridis refused the larvse of Pygera bueephala. Zootoca vivipara ate winged $ ant, but all the Lizards refused the neuters. August 11.-Imagines of Eristalis and of Syrphus eaten by all the Lizards voraciously. |