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Show 148 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON REPTILES AND [Feb. 15, rostral and a still broader one with the frontal; prsefrontals very small and widely separated ; frontal short, in contact with the first supraocular only, followed by a long and narrow single frontoparietal resembling a second frontal \ angular posteriorly and in contact with the interparietal; latter in the middle between four small parietals, the posterior pair of which are in contact behind ; four supraoculars, first in contact with the frontal and the frontoparietal, second and third in contact with the frontoparietal; seven supra-ciliaries ; fourth upper labial below the centre of the eye. Ear-opening small, horizontally oval, without projecting lobules. 24 scales round the middle of the body, subequal; dorsals rather strongly, laterals feebly tri- or quinquecarinate. Praeanal scales not enlarged. Limbs widely separated when adpressed ; the length of the hind limb equals the distance between the fore limb and the nostril. Digits short, cylindrical : subdigital lamellae smooth, 10 under the fourth toe. Tail a little longer than head and body. Reddish brown above, dark brown on the sides; a black lateral band, commencing from the eye; sides with fine whitish shafts; belly dirty white, spotted with dark brown ; lower surfaces of tail plumbeous grey, spotted with black. millim. Total length 125 Head 9 Width of head 6-5 Body 48 Fore limb 10 Hind limb 16 Tail.. 68 A single specimen is in the collection. OPHIDIA. 6. ABLABES SEMICARINATUS, Hallow. Eurypholis semicarinatus, Hallow. /. c. p. 493. Scales in fifteen rows, without apical groove, with a very feeble keel along their anterior half. Rostral rather broader than deep; nostril between two nasals; prcefrontals about twice as long as internasals ; frontal much longer than broad, as long as or slightly longer than internasals and prefrontals together; loreal at least twice as long as deep ; one pree- and two postoculars; eight upper labials, fourth and fifth entering the eye, seventh largest ; temporals 1 + 2 ; five lower labials in contact with gulars. Ventrals 187-192 ; anal divided ; subcaudals 72-82. Olive above, the scales lighter in the centre ; the lower scale on each side yellowish, margined with olive or black; in some specimens four rather indistinct dark brown 1 The very singular shape of this shield misled Hallowell as to the homologies of the head-shields of this Lizard. Therefore his internasal = frontonasal ; frontonasal == frontal; frontal = frontoparietal; interparieto-frouto-parietal = interparietal; frontoparietals = anterior parietals. |