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Show 104 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Feb. 1, PHYLLOBROTICA MARGINATA, sp. nov. Testaceous ; the basal joints of the antennae, the head, and thorax fulvous; scutellum black ; elytra testaceous, very finely rugosely punctate, the sutural and lateral margins narrowly black. Length 2 lines. Head impunctate; the frontal tubercles trigonate, strongly raised. Antennse nearly as long as the body, the third joint double the length of the second, the following ones nearly equal to the third joint, the three basal ones fulvous, the rest fuscous. Thorax transverse, more than twice as broad as long, the anterior and posterior margin straight and parallel ; the surface rather deeply transversely depressed, impunctate, shining, fulvous like the head. Scutellum black. Elytra parallel, extremely finely punctured and rugose, the extreme lateral and sutural margins black; their epipleurae very narrow. Legs slender, the tibise unarmed ; the first joint of the posterior tibiae as long as the two following joints together; claws appendiculate ; anterior coxal cavities open. P. marginata differs somewhat from the more typical species of the genus in the more transversely shaped thorax and the distinct, although very narrow elytral epipleurae. In the absence of other marks of distinction, I have placed the species in Phyllobrotica. MlMASTRA CAPITATA, Sp. nOV. Narrowly elongate; testaceous ; antennae and the breast black; vertex of the head metallic greenish ; thorax impunctate, depressed at the disk ; elytra finely punctured and rugose, with a metallic green gloss, the margins narrowly greenish black. Length 2-3 lines. Head impunctate at the vertex, the latter very finely granulate, metallic green or aeneous ; lower part of the face testaceous; the labrum obscure piceous. Antennae longer than the body, the second joint extremely short, the others very elongate and of nearly equal length ; black, sometimes the basal joints obscure fulvous. Thorax square-shaped, the disk deeply transversely depressed, impunctate, testaceous or fulvous, the lateral margins more or less stained with dark greenish. Elytra finely transversely rugose and closely punctured ; testaceous, stained with metallic greenish, the latter colour more distinct at the basal margin; the suture and the lateral margins also narrowly dark seneous, which colour extends also to the epipleurae ; the underside either entirely or partially black. Legs fulvous, the tarsi generally fuscous; the first joint of the posterior tarsi as long as the three following joints together ; tibiae unarmed. Anterior coxal cavities open. Dikoya. Except in the greater length of the posterior metatarsus, this species does not differ in any other material way from its allies. MlMASTRA ROBUSTA, Sp. 110V. Below piceous or blackish ; above fulvous ; antennse and legs |