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Show 66 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Feb. 1, joints of equal length, the following more elongate. Thorax subquadrate, not longer than broad, moderately constricted at the sides, the basilar sulcation deep; surface with a few scarcely visible punctures. Scutellum fulvous. Elytra of a bright metallic yellowish green or blue, with a very deep fovea below the base, near the sutural margin, finely and rather remotely punctate-striate, the punctures obsolete towards the apex. The legs and tarsi fulvous, the posterior tibiae slightly curved. Bogawantalawa, 4 900-5200 feet. It will not be very difficult to recognize this species amongst the small metallic blue forms of Lacordaire's first section, with uninterrupted ninth elytral stria; the colour of the antennae, which have sometimes the first three joints and the last fulvous, or the underside of the three or four terminal joints of that colour, the deep elytral fovea, and the fine and remotely placed elytral punctures, will help to distinguish L. ceylonensis; the lateral margin is accompanied by a deeper row of punctures and is costate towards the apex, but the other interstices between the punctures are perfectly flat, the reverse being the case with most of the allied species. LEMA FULVICORNIS, sp. nov. Subquadrate-ovate ; fulvous ; labrum black ; thorax impunctate ; elytra dark blue, deeply and regularly punctate-striate. Length 3 lines. Head with the interocular space strongly swollen and finely punctured, the lateral grooves very deep ; the labrum and upper part of the clypeus black, the former with some transversely placed punctures. Antennae rather more than half the length of the body, entirely fulvous, the fourth joint very slightly longer than the third, the following joints elongate, cylindrical, and not increasing in thickness. Thorax scarcely longer than broad, deeply constricted at the sides, the basilar groove also deep, the anterior angles slightly pointed but not tuberculate ; the surface convex and swollen, without any punctures. Elytra broad, subquadrate, the shoulders moderately prominent, the base scarcely depressed, the punctuation deep and not very closely placed anteriorly, much more close and diminishing posteriorly, where the punctures themselves are placed in striae and the interstices longitudinally costate. Underside fulvous, clothed with yellow pubescence ; legs robust, entirely fulvous. A single specimen. L. fulvicornis seems closely allied to L. praclara, Clark, but differs in its much smaller general size, in the colour of the head and of the elytra. L. cyanipennis, Lac, is larger and the interstices between the punctures of the elytra are finely punctate. The present species may be further known by its broadly subquadrate shape. LEMA CRASSICOLLIS, sp. nov. Blackish blue below; upper part of head, the thorax, and the last two joints of the antennae fulvous ; elytra metallic blue, deeply |