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Show RejlelliQIIS and Maxims. 1693. SS4· Love is indeed Heaven upon F.arth; fincc Heaven above would not ~ be Heaven without it; For where there ia not Lo.ve, there is Fear: Bur Part. I. perfeO Love cajls o•t Fear. And yet we naturally fear moft ro ofi'cnd what wemofl Love-. . 5'>5· What we love, we'll hear ; what we love, we'll trufi; and what we love, we'll ferve, ay, and fuffer for too. If YON love 'lit, (fays our Ble!fed Redeemer) keep my C011nnondmentt. Why ? Why rhen be1l loYe us; then we {hall be his Friends ,; then he'll fend us the Comforter . rh~n whatever we a.fk, we fhall receive; and then where he is, f.i.. 'C /h11U b~ alfo · and that for ever. Behold the Fruits of Love; the Pot~.:er, Vinqe, &nefi; and Beauty of Love! ;56. Love is above all; and when it prevails in us ltll, we Onll all be Lovely, and in Love with God and one with anozber. ~ More Fruits of S 0 L 1 T U D E, BEING THE SECOND PART 0 F Reflections and Maxims. .relating to the ConduCl: of Human Life. The INTRODUCTION to the READER. T HE Tit!~ of this Treatife jhtJf»r, there fDtU tt former of the /41flt Ntt. ture; nnd the Author bopet, be runt no Hazard in Ruommending &tb to bu Reader'r Perufrtl, HeirueU aware of the Lor.v Rukoning, the. LAbourr of Indifferent .Aurbort are under, at a Time, when hardly any t!Ji.r.g pa.ffu for r:;_urrant, that is not Calculated to Flatter tbe Sbarp111js pf Omunding Partter .. He is alfo ftnfible, that &Mt.r grow a veri Drug, ubere tbty ca~ not Raife and Sappart ibeir Crtdit, lry their ow» Uje/ulnefs; and boroj4r this miU be nble to do it, be knoau not; )'tt be tbillks'bimfrlf tolrNbly Jafe, in making it Publick, in three Refpt'Or. Firfi, That the Purcbaje isfmaO, a1td t1Je Time but litrlc, tb4t i$ ft!uip fire to read It. Next, Tbo~gl> f•me Men jhou!d not find it nlijhed High Enough for tlmr finer !tlttS', or warmer Polaus, it may not -perhaps b~ Ufclefs ·to tbofe of lower F!tgbts, and w15o are lef~ engaged in p~tblick Heall. Laftly7 The Autbor boneflly ainu at 11t General a 1&nefit ttl tbe Thing will bear; ru Youth efpecially, wbetl)tl be f1itt the Mark or not: Attd that witP· l!lltlbe leafl Oflentatifm, or·any Pri'Vatt Regards. J,.tt not Envy mif·iflterp~r his-Intention, and be will he aaountnblt for .Ill other F11ulu. · •Vale. RefleCtions ==============:.:::::=-~84~ Patt IL RejleClions and Ma;ims , & c. r 1l!Jt ll\fg!Jt W!OialfU,ARight Mora!ilt'is G found. but for that Re:ron'e~~ ~;d G~od Man; :2 There are a Sort of Peo l rare y ro be Opinion, have but little Titfe etot~at are fond of the Cbarafler w'-o . 3 They think it enou b It. , •t , In my Friend; hut ne\'er ffd ' not to defraud a ~ln of'his J;l and that Virtue is f~~~~ e:heT~ltf( the /A.W forbids the 0~ ~: ~~rp ~~s 4 Bur cenainly he that C ea on o the other. en, 6~a\1r.eals ; finr.e ~e does r~i~~~~isCMli;do m~;e be a Moral Man, than he 0;s0ffi~~-hbour of hts Credit, or that craftily uo;d:~~e bh· onefth~t Robs 5 If M . es lm o hiS Tt.~de Mora lift? an pays hiS Taylor, but Debauches his Wife I h . 6 But what !hall we fa oft . , s e a currant Ill Hulband, or an Abut/ N he Man that rebels againfl his Fath . his Health, and of his Efi~te e~~hb~~r; ~ne tha!'• lavi{h of his j.~~~ 3f Mufllhe go for a Right Moraiift 1 bec~~hfi h~s Family_ is iO ncarlr concer~'do) 7 wou!d aflc fome of thor; Meh 0 e e pays hts Rent wei ? · MGod and htmfelf too, thpugh he fho 1/ Modrafls, Whether he that Robs or:1l Man? u not e rand 41s Neighbour, be the 8 Do I owe my felf Notbin > And d paytng what we owe, makes t~~ Mo 1 ~/ not owe All to God? And if to render our Dues, where we owe ra an, Is I! "?t ·fit we fhould be in 9 The. Compleat Mora lift begins ~h~ v~? Begtnm_n~ ; ay, our All? g Helalrr, hBts .Love, his Service; the BountifuidG; he gt v_es ~im his Due, hi• we as emg. tver of h1s Well-Being 39 Io He that lives without a Senfe of th" , cannot be. a Mqral Man, becaufe he do ts Dk"enden~y and Obligationj and Obedience : as becomes an honeft es not now his Returns. of Lo\'e ry Term implies he is nor his own~ and"·d a fenfiblc Creature: Which Yeoemploy another's Goods. ' tt cannot be very honeR: to mif.. 1 r But how can there be no Debt b o_ur exaElnefs in paying thofe d 'bli ' ut to a _fellow Creature ? Or will tt~r Obligations~ cancel the B~~ds n!e }nes, dhile we negleEl our ~eigh· thorow Moralifts? ye un er, and render us right and 12 As Judgments are paid before Bond D~br~, . fo the Moralift: confiders his.Obt/' ~nd Bonds ~efore BiOs or BooR~ D1fnmu. . gattons accordmg to their feveral . n the firft Place-, Him to whom he . hiS Health ~nd Livelihood. Laftl h' ow~s hlm[elf.. Next bimfeif in 1nal or Pec11niary; doing to other;' t~s ~t er Obltg;tttons, whether Rati~ would have them do ufao him. ' t e extent of his Ability, as he I3 1n fhort, the moral JM.,, is h h Lo ' hour M bimfe!f, which fuljils bot; T ~~ vtt God above AU, and M Ntilh' r 4 'iD~ OO!Otlb'JI able ll;ld . a es at once. an ab)e Man, to be Dark and ~qJt ."lfjlfodmeBthought, the Charailer of Play. .,n er 00 • ut lam fure thlt is not fair and1 5,·b llltfebfue!. be ro by Silrpcr' 'tis be r 1e r ; bu t t. f by Difguiftr, 'tis in}inctrt :~· i-1;~cy isfto'Mne Thing, F~lfe Lights ar~ another. , , · e C\lle an, that IS "i\ier ~ e b . . J:Crt d ; efpecially when S(nft is a2 Helm~ e, t , an ppen, u ever to be pre .. 18Th'! |