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Show The A u THoR's L l F E. VoL. I. 16 • For behold, the Lord cometh 011t of His Place, to Pu~Hh the Inhabitants of ~ the Earth for their Iniquities; rbe Et1r1b a!fo foall d1f~lofe her Blood, ond jbaU no more cover ber Slain. Ifa. xxvi. 7, s •. to 2 T. So come dear Lord JESUS, that was Dead, and is Alive, and Ll\'eth for C\'Ct. .A.nun. to. I, 4.. u. 8. S• Leyden.i u. 8. 6 .. Hape. AmA:C"rdam, loth of tht Sr6 Mflflh, 1~71. Vt'rJ dearly Farewel, . Tby Frimd tbat Fatth[ully Travdlttb far thy Rtdtmptian, W. P. The fame Day we had a Ble!l'ed Publick Meeting, never.to ~e forgotte"' 0 the Majefly, Glory and Life that the Lord aucnded us wtth · Uur Hearts were deeply afleEted wich His Prefence, Grtdt Reveren_ce and Brokennefr wa~ over the .J1u ting, more than I had feen. The Meenng done, w~ were oppofed by a Preacher, who was clofely cncouncred and purfued by ieveral Mcrcbanrr, &c. (not of us) that cryed, He wa~. Rude .and lgnor_-'nt, and, Thai 1bq bad a Teflimony for rn; and o.ffere~ co dtfpute In ou.r Defence, but the Prieft ran away : They followed htm nil they houfed htm; what fol· lowed I know not. r. lt was upf)n me this Day to engage Galenur .Abrabamr_ to a fecond.Co~ e-. renee, rh:u we might more fu1ly debate and confute hts Gra~~ Ohfe~tolll :l$1init the prefent D~f}enfatiOt!..Of Truth, and the Hcttvtnly Mm_iflry v,tnej: jed among Frienrlr. He refufed not. my <?ffer of a fccond. Meenng, ~ut fe~ me Word his Bufinefs w0uld not ~n·c htm leave to let tt be any T1me th.ts Day. Upon which the nextMormng was fi:~'d fo.r the Conference, to begm at Eight, which accordingly it did, lnd held t11l One. The Acc~um of both the Conferences is not yet found, but with the latter fome of has own Friends feemed better fatisfied, and it ended very comfonahly to us} becaufe to Th~M;!:i~Jt!h~~~~dd. and having refrefh'd our fetves, aft;r :t Solemm Leave taken o~ our dear Friends at Am/1erd11m, G. F. and my fctf went that Night to Leyden, accompanied by B. F. .Coming there lace at NightJ w~: forbore to inquire after any Worthy in that Place. But the next Morning we found out Two, One a ~c~tHan of, or near Dorm· flad, who not only exprefs'd muc~ Love to tbe Pnncrple of Truth, and unto us the Friends thereof hut alfo mformed us of a reured Perfon, of Gre:J:t Quality, thlt liveth ab~ut two Hours b~ck again .rowards .A.'!'.flerdam, at a Village called Wonderwick. Our Refolurtons of bemg that Ntght at Roner~ dam, and hJ\'ing the Hague ro Vitit by rh~ Way, made our Return ~r that Time unprJfticable. Howe\'er, the Rei anon .oft~~ Germ~n co.nce~nmg the Good lnclinltions of the Great Man and hts \\i 1fe, the1r Dddam of the World, and v1lunrary Retreat from the Grearnefs and Glory of it, refted firongly upon our Spirits. This Pcrfon preCently conduEled us to the Haufe of one who had formerly been a Profeffor in the Vn;verjity, ar.d there left us. • To this Perfon both G. F. and my felf were more than ordinarily open, he was of a fweet, yet 'JUick; 0f a wife, yet very loving and render Spirit: There were few Strangers we felt greater Love to. He affented to every Thing we faid : And truly his Underfianding was \'ery cleu and open ro the Things rhat lay upon us to declare ; and he exprefs'd his firm Belief of Great Revolutions at Hand, and th:U they fhould terminate in the fetting up of the Gloriotn Kingdom of CHRIST inrbe World. What fhall I t:.ay) The Man felt our Spirits, and therefore loved us, and in the frefh Senfe of that Lo\'e, writ 3 Lettet by us to a retired Perfon at the Hague, like himfelf: Which in feveral Places of Germtmy wa• the Way whereby we found out mofi of the retired People we vifited. After near two Hours Time with him, we took. Waggon for the Ht1gue, leaving the Peace of God upon him. . . The firft Thing we did there, was to enquire out the Lady Overk.irk! .a Perfon of a Retired and Religious CharaCter; feparated from the pubhck Wor!hip of thar Country : She was at Home, bur her Hulband's being wjrh her, VoL.' I. h~r, a great Man of the Army of another Difpofirion and Way of Living 1677. htndred our Accefs at that Ttme. · ' ~ • The next P~rfon we wen.t to, W<lS J. Judge of the Chief Court of Juftice l~ that ReR_ub!tck: He recetved us with grea.t RefpeEt, and a more than 01• dtnary De~re to know the Truth of our Farth anJ Principle1• We declared of the Thtngs mofl: furely believed amongft us in the Power and Love of 'Go~. He made hit Ohfervations,. Objeffions,' ~nd Queries upon feveral Tht~ we fpake, to whom we rephed, and explamed all M:mers in Quefti· on; mfo!Duch as he declared himfelf fatisfied in our ConfeAions and his Goo~ Behef of m a11d our P~incipler. We took a Solemn lnd Senfible Leave of htm, ~nd we felt the Wanefs of God reach'd iu him, and his Spitit ten~ dred, whtch filled our Hearts with dear Love to him : He brought us to his Street-door, and there we paned. From him we went to vifit that Perfon for whom we had a Lct?er from the Doctor at Leyden, bur he w:1s not at home. We immediately took Waggo? for Delft, and ~rom thence an ExprefS·Boat for Rorur.dam, where Delftr we amved well about Eight at Night. , Rotterdam, The ~ext Day was m~itly fpent in Vifiring of Friends, and the Friendly People tn th:n Plac~, which confifted of feveral Perfons of Worldly Note. ll· s. 1• The ne.xt Day be1~g the Firll Day ofrhe Week, we had a large and Blef. '" 8. •· fed Meetmg, wherem the deep lrJyflerier of the Kingdom of CHRIST and A Pe~[on tid .tlntfcfn:.f~, were declared in t he Power o.f an End!efs L ife. Several of dl· ~:';'.1:;:~0,14 vers Re;tgrons were there, but no Difturbance or ConrradiEl:ionJ but a pr<r pmhtikJ,die4. found S1le~ce and Reverent Attention were over the Mt:eting. /;1~e!f,At~wor That N1~ht I had a ~leffed Meeting at my Lodging, with thofe Perfons ltdg"'g it,AJt4. of ~ore, t .ac at fomet1mes vifited our publi~k Meetings, as that D:1y, and ;r;~ ~:; h.a\ie a Convtncement upon them : The Lords Love, Truth and Lifr, pre- had 1 ~>e-~1 c10ufly reached towards th.em, and they were very fweetly affeCted. if I had then ~e:n Day I ~efta wed in perfe8:ing and corre8-ing feveralyublick Letters Obeved. whtch I was moved to write, both in my firfi and fecond j ourney in Ger· IS· 8· ~ .many, and after my Return to thefe Low·Countrier. They are left behind to be Tran~ared and Printed : They arc omitted here, becaufe they are }~jfo";..,"nd hkely to be hereafter Printed in Engtijh. The Tides whereof I . ..d Summons, or Call ta Chriftendom; in an Earn eft Expoflu/ation with Ap. N.rtn. it!~~. to prepare f or the Great and Notable Day of tbe Lord tbat is at the ~· To ~a thofe who are Senjible of the Day ~f their Vifitation, and who Ap.N.XVIIL ~ave r~celVed the CaD of the LORD, by the Light and Spirir of His S 0 N In thelf Hearts, to partake of the Great Salvation, wher~ever featured l~rougbou.t the World; bur more ejjtciaDy in the High and Low· Dutch Nit" tto1u; Faah, Hope, and Charity, whicb ovtrtomt t he World, be multiplied among you. III. To all t bofe Profo.fforr of Cbriflianity, that are Externally Separated Ap. No. :xlr. ftom the. Vi/ihle &0$ and FeUofiJihips in tbr Cbriflian World, (Jo called) where· ever H1dden or Scattered : True Knowledge, which it Life Eternal, from GOD tbeFatbtr, tbrougb CHRIST ]F;SUS beincreaftd, IV . .A Te'!d" Vi~tation, in the LOve of G_o/ that overcomnb the Wor/J, Ap. "Ho.~ to all Pe.opk m the Htgh and Low-Dutch Nations, who• Hunger and Thirft a~ter ~lghteoufn~~· and defire to_ knom and Wor.foip God in Truth, and in Stncenty ; cont~mmg.a Plam .Te/hm~n:; to tht Ancient and Apoftolical Life, J"Vay. and Worftnp that God u "Revivmg and Exalting iR t he Earrb, in Iii& Spirit and Truth. The Senfe of the Serious Retre:lt of the Great Man we heard of at Uy. den, was fo ftrong upon me, that I could not fee my felf dear to leave the Country before I had ~iven him a Vifit. I purpofed thetefore the nexc ~:J!~~i~~. fet forwar to the liague, from thence to IJ;·Jtn, and fo to 1 auivcd |