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Show ... 164 .1<r'b 6 SandJv Foundation Shaken. Vo-L. i. J'668. that I have herein fought nothing below the Def-ence of His Unity, 1-!ercy, ~ and Putitv, againfitht rude and impetuous Alf::tults_ofTradltton, Preis and Pul a, fiom whence I datly hear, what Ranonally lndu:erh me to belt_eve, a C~nfi iracy is held by Counrer·Plors, t? obHruE\: .the Exaltation of!n:tb, and to betray F..vangel1c:1l Do8:rines, to 1dle Tradmons =. But ~ad w~U re· buke the Winds, and Dclhuthon fhJtl attend the Enemtes of Hts Anotnted. -Mlitake me not, we never have dtfowned a Farber, ''Yard, and Spmr, wiiJch :ae 0 N E, but Men's Inventi?ns: For, 1. The1r. !nmty h:ts .. not 1 h as a Foundation in the Scuptures 2. Irs Ongtn~l was Tnree Ju~~~d Years after Chn(h:Inity was m the Wo!ld. 3.lt havm~ toft much Socrat. Schol. Bl6od; in the Council of Sumumz, .Anno 3>5, lt w:ls decreed, Tbnr thenceAn. 3 s~. fo1th the Controverjie jhould 1101 be remembreJ, ~unu{e rhe.SC11plu1e.r of. God Cone. S1rm. made no Jdenrron rbeuof. Why then fhould lt be mcnuoned now WHh a cap. 2S·· pag . . t11arnnarha, on all that will not bow to this abftrufe. Opm10n. 4· And It 27f• doubrlcfs hath occafioned Idolatry, Wltnefs the Poptfh Images of Father, · Son, and Hoi Ghofl. 5· It fc~ndahzeth T11r~r •. Jewt, ~nd Injide!t, an_d palpably obif'ruas their Reception of the Chnfhan DoClnne -- Nor IS there more to be f:ud on the Behalf?f the other Two~ for I can boldly 9lal~ lenge any Perfon to give me one Scnpture Phrafe wh1c~ does approach the Dollrine of Sarisfalhon, (much lefs the Name) confidermg to what Degree it's !!retched. not that we do deny, but really confefs, that JESUS CHRiST, in Life, Doa~ine, and De:nh, fulfilled His Father"s '¥ill, .and offered u~ a moft SJtisfad:ory Sacrifice, but not to pay _God,_ or help h_1m (as. othe.rwtfe being unable) to fave Men:; and for a juft1ficar~on _by an ImputatJve.R,ghre .. oufnif.r, whilft not Real, it's meerly an Lnagmanon, n.ot. a Reality, :Jnd therefore rejeS:ed:; other~ife. confe~ 7nd known _to be Juftt~ymg ~efore God, becaufe there U no abidmg 111 C~rifi 1 Love wahour keeprng_ Hu CoJII1!111'!d~ mentt. I therefore caution thee m Love, of whatfoever Tnbe, or f:J.m1ly of Religion thou rnayft be, nor longer to deceive thy felf, by the over·fbncl Embraces of Humane Apprehenfions, for Divine Myfteries ; but rather be informed that God hath bellowed A Meafure of His Grtlct an thee and me, ro jhew 11s what is Good, that we may obey and do it_; whkh if thou dil.igent~ ly wilt ohferve, thou !halt ~e led out of all UnnghteoufnefS, a~d 1n t.hY Obedience !hale thou Ructve Power to become a Son of God; tn whtch happy Efta're God only can be known by Men, and they know tht:mfel~es to be J ufiified before him, whom expenmentally to know, by Je[tll Chnfl, is Life Eternal. Dofuiue, Anima d. . A PosT c R I P, T of Animadverfions, upon T. V's. Contradiaions, delivered in hir Sermon from 1 John v. 4· at 1111 Evening-Le8ure i11 Spittle-Yard: For whatfoever is Born of God, Overcometh the World. WHarfoever Per jon it Born of I Tbtrt it aTflJO[o/J. YiOory; tbt Firfl God, Over&Oineth tbe World. I Compleat, the. Second lncomplt:al. This is as well a Contradiction to his Text .:~nd Do8rint, as to Common Senfc; for befides that they neither of them fay, He rhar'.r Born of God, c11~ nor pt~fe[/ly overcome l~e World, but much the contrary; I ·fain would un ... derllJnd his Intention bv an incompleat Viaory: If he means not fuch a one as is obtained by the Slaughter of every individual, but thu which only docs fubdue the Force, and_lead Captive their Enemies, yet wil1 rhe ViClory prove comple:~.t ; for if they be fofar overcome as to be difarmed of f:1r1her Power to Mifchief, the Difpure is properly ,deq:rmined : B11t whatfoever is jncompleat, is but overcom,ing, or in the Way to ViUory, and Victory is the compleating of what was ~efore imperfe~. . &rb 'The Sandy Foundation Shalom. '65 S~chov:rcome atarehornagain, wh" I Worldly ,Lufl.r can't he· extirpated I663. are 111Chrij1, that have tfifi off the old o:11 of Go.i .r People in this World. ~ .Alan,and know a change altogether new. Contradilt.- If Sin mull have a Place in them, how. can they be Born of God a~d have Animad. a Place in Chrift, or caft off the Old Man, and know a ChanSe altoge~ therNew? God't Cbi!dren ore the greoujl Cm-~ God's Children can't per[eOJy over- ContradUl. ')lleror.r; Alexander and Ca:f:n wer_e come !he Lujl.r nf tbit World, rbty Coniueror.r, hut thefe uvercome t!Jelr jfo,nerune.r tdke rbe1n C:aptiVt. Lujt.r. ':Vhat ftrange Divinity is this ! That God"s People fhould be Con·quetors, Animad. and yet Captives; Overcome the World, and yet be Overcome thereby. Sin may Tyrannize over Belitver.r. I B14t not have Dominion; it's in Cap· Contradittt tiviry; ir'.r in Cbaint. - Who iS fo :~bfolute1y injurious and inc9nrroulable, as a Tyrant~ And not- Animad. wirhlt:inding rhJt he fhould h:~ve no Dominion, hue be in Captivity and in Chains, at belt are Btdlam Dijlin{/iom, and confequemly unwonhy of any M:m's Mouth that has a Share of Common Senfe. Tol4 mJtjl KiU, or be Kill'd; either/ lncomp!entiy ; ije ot•ercome.r, Contradi(l. you mufl Overcome the World, or the when He hreala rhe1r Force fead.r World you. the~ Captive, and pur.r rbe:n inJ() If ye F1ght, ye jbd! Overcome. I Chnm.r; but they are. not at all jlr~i'b they fomcrime.r Ide him Captive. To Kill, or be Kill'd, admits no middle lVay to efcape; yet that both Animad. Sin and God's Children fhould lead one another Captive; and that he which Fights !hall 0}•ercome, and yet be in Danger of being le4 Captive, becaufe cornpl~atly a Conqueror, to me feems very firange Dotl:nne. However, he goes on to te11 them,"' fiibofoever is Born of God, overcomerb the Lu[l.r of tke World, nnd h~ tha~ overcomerb 1he Lujl.r Of the World, overcomet the Devd.r of J!ell; qpd t -Cht!dren hav~ to do with a Conquered Enemy. Yet. he would. all thts ~ht_le be underftood tn an in compleat ~enfe; and tO" excue all to Ftght for thts mcompleat Y;Uory, he recommended co their Con· fideration,. the excellent Rewards of Con.querors, t_hat is, To him thai overconmh, wdJ 1 give to E-11 of the Tree of Life, the H1dden Manna. 1 wifl !five him a Wbire Stone, a New Name, Power over ]\larion.r White Rr1iment: Yea I wi.U mall.e bi'!l a PiU~r in_ the T~mple of my Go:J ; be }hau go no more out, ami 1 w1ll grant b1m to S1r wuh me.'? my '!hrone. Admirable Priviledges, I ad~nowledge! But ~re they prom1sd to mcomplear Conqueron? I judge nor . Reader, by th1s thou mayft be able to gtve a probable Conjeaure of tfif: refi:; and as I ha~'e begu~ With hi~ and his Co-Difputanrs, with them l'le end; who, notwtrhfiandmg all the1r Boafts and Calumnies againfi us have fo evaded thofe many Oppor~uniries we have offered them by Letter!!', Vee .. hal Meffages, and Perfonal V1fits, that had tboy any Ze:al for their Principles, Lo\'e for t~eir ~eputation, o~ Confcience in their Promifes, they would ba~e been mducd to a more d1re£l: and candid Treaty. . B~t as. It hath occafioned the Public-ation of this little Treatife, fo I am credtbly. m~orm'd, .through the too bufie and malicious lnquifition of !Orne concerntng It, (whtch have amounted to no lefS than pofitive Reports) it's currantly difcou.rs'd, How that a ~ertnin Qpaker barb lately efpoaferl rh~ Conrroverjie agamft. R. F. and rber~1~ bar p~rv~rred the Chrijli{m Religion, to that Degree, IU plam!y to deny Chri/l.r commg 1n the Fle.fo · with much more than was fit to be faid, or is fit to be anfwered. ' . But, Reader, I !hall afk no other Judge to clear me ftom that m·oft uncha~ rtt:Jbl~ Accufation, fince firft I am ,altogether unacquainted with R. F. nor ev~r dtd defign dire8ly fuch a Thing, being unwilling tn Jeek more Adver~ fanes than what more nearly feek the Overthrow of TRUTH, although I doubt not but this plain and fimple Treatife rn;ay prove fome CoofutatioO of his Sentiments-. · Mm A•d |