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Show J668. ~ Chap.XIX. ~ ~ • • ,. r • r ' •'· I . r NoCROSS, No CROWN. VoL. r. EartJ,, tD prevent t1Je Corruption of tbeir .Aftm/l.ers. They us'd inferior Me· tals, and lived with very or~inary AccoJllmodation; wearing mofily buc one very Grave and Plain Robe to cover Nakednefs. It were weU, if Cbriflians would monifie their unfatiable Appetites ::~fter Wealth and Vani-ty Jny W'ay. for Heathens judge their Excef~. ' §. LIX. The Arbtnians had Two dil\ina Numbers of Men, call'd, The d5pnatt01inf a'nd $fnlltConomf. Thefe were appoipted by the Magillrare1. Vid. Suid. To over/ock the .Jill ton~ of the People: The firfi }\':JS to fee, that they a.P" parelled and behaved themfelves Gravely; efpeciallv, that Women were of Modeft Behaviour: And the or her Was to be prdent at their Treats ~nd Feftivals, To fee that there was no Exeefs, nor diforderly Carriage : An4 in Cafe any were found Cnminal, they had full Power to punHh them. When, .Al:ls ! When fhall this Ca, e and Wifdom be feen amongft the Chrifiians of thefe Times, that fo lntemperonce·might be prevented? But 'tis too evi~ dent they love the Power and the Profits, but defpife the Virr11e of Gfr vernment, making it an End, inftead of a Means to that Happy End, vi;;. The well-ordering the Manners and Converfa"tion of the People, and eq1bily - diftributing Rewards and PunHhrnents. Cic. Fur. Q!ieft. ~· Clem,Aie'JO, Stro. §. LX. ~nacbBtffD, a Sqrbian, was a Great Philofopher; Cr4'f11/ offered him large Sums of Money, but he refufed them. Hanno did the" like, to ·whom he anfwered, .A1y .Apparel, H a Scythian Rug; my Shotr, the Hard~ nefJ of my Feet; "!)Bed, tbe Earth; my Sarc:ce, Hunger: fo.u .mllj comt to me tU one that i.r COJII£11ted; hut thofe Gifts wh;cb )'Oil fo mucli tjteem, btflow, eitlJer on yflur Cith~en~, or in Sacrifice to the Immortal God~. §. LXI. ~lt8~8lJOI81l. a Noble Man, but True Philofopfier, left his Great Patrimony to teek out Wifdom: And being reprov'd by his Friends, Pl;;t" t~tnd for the little Care he had of his Eftate, anfwered, It if inough that you cart ~i~:\Jr.ao • for ir .• One afk'd him, Why he had no more Love f?r his CountrY, than to Q!left. ~· l~ave. 1t? Wrong me not, faith he, ~y greettfl Cart zs my. ~unfrJ., pointing hts Fmger towards Heaven. Returnmg Home, and taking a View of his Great Poffeflions, If I bad nor difrtgardtd tbrm (faith he) I bad perilhd. He was a great Clearer and Improver of the Doarine of One Eternal G 0 D denying Divinity to Sun, Moon ~nd Stars ; fJyi~g, God w111 injin;u, no; confined to Place; the Eternal Wifdom, and Efficunt Caufe of aU Thingr · the Divine ~ind and Underf!anding; who, when lt1atter vJtuConfuful, cam; and reduced IT to Order, whub U the World we fee. He filffer'd much from fome Magiilrates for his Opinion; yet, dying, was admired by them: His Epitaph in Eng lifo thus: Here lyer, wbo tbro11gb the truefl Potbs did pafs To tb' WorldCt2kflial, Anaxagoras. ' §. LXll 1!ttatlitull, was invited by King Darius, for his great Virtue and Learning, to this EffeE\:; Come a~ foon ns tboN canfl to my Prefenu, lllt.d Royal Palau; for ~he Greek~, /o~ the moP Part, arc not obfequiomto wife .lUen, hut de{pije the good Thmg~ wbicb t1Jry deliver. Witbme tbotl foalt have t~e firft Pl~ce, mtd da_ily Honour and ~ides: Thy Wrry of Livint }hall be ttl _1\.oble 111 thy InflruJfron~. Bu~ Heraclttus refufing his Offer, re· turne~ thiS Anfwe.r ; Heraclztu~ to Dar111.r the King, Jiealth. Mofl_ Men rt[raznfrom Juflue and Truth, and purfue Infatittbltnifs and VJin Glory, by f!eafon ~~ thezr Folly: Bur.!, bov_mg fvrgor all Evil, and jhunni11g tbe So~ ray of mhred. Envy ~nd Pnde, !otlJ never come ro the Kingdom of Perfia, bemgcontenud wtth a lztr!e, occordmg to my own .A1ind, He alfo fligh[od the .Athenian~. He had gre:J.t and clear Apprehenfions of the Nature and Pot?er of 9~d, ma~ntaining his Divi~ity again{\ the Idolatry in Fa!hion. Th1s Definmon he g1ves of God; He u not made with H11nd~; The u:boU Wot:ld, adorned r»ith. his Creaturer, is bir .Manfion. Where j1 God? SbPt up zn Temples? lmpzour Men! who place tbeir God in the Dark. It;~ oRe· proacb to a .Man, to tell bim be ira Stone, yet the God you prOfef~, is born ()fa Rock; You I& nor ant People! you ~now nor God; His Works btar wit-nifs \!01:. I. i1o 'cR.o •ss, N11i:Ro~& *ifr'Ofqun. Of ~mfulf he 111ith 0 yeA~tn ·n '· l- " L:lo.gb_'? It IS nd) 'Ilia! !hate Men,' hilt ibdr wfc'k!ct nnt e¥r~; wby I nev~r bihk'.Nc w'eep, litJe 1¥ Peace . tou &orr Sword . ne s. J'ou would not de'~ WtAlth, ravi(J\ WoMe,, Poffon F/iend~ sIll your Tongues; you plun trp".ft fn yo11, Slin/1 I L~ugh, ·,.bm IJu .M)b "J:''J./.bf.{rrfl the People I!Jetits, Beards, ~nd Heads, lldor11,ed with unnec·ff 1 f:Je 111gz? Thezr G11r· ntJ"bJ a Wuked~bb ; of }ollng Men con fum n t.ubrl <;,rc ~ a Mother deftr· WiJe taken [rom him, fl Vagm Ra ijbed 1 ~ 1 etr. atrunon); a Catzed~ t1Jcr~ }illmg tbetr 'Btllte.r at Fcaft· m~re w; tb·Concubme "'sflt tU a Wife to .. V!ftUe would j/nke '" Blind if i jho~ld l foyJon, thr;,_, wlfb Dmntiu? Ptp'es, and Sr~ipes, you aree;crted 10 n·,;11.f at Y011,. 'oars. ByMufick, a ft1:ltal1lforc p1ofet for PlOUghs omiTm~colltrar.fiJ_tojr.Harmony. Iron, DcHh . .Men raifing Jlr'"ms of )J-Ien cov 1 gesfc.u tte 1or. Slaughter a¥· them thlll quu tbt Field, for pot fl~yin/to~: J~l Meanot~fr, andpunifo 'Valiants) j11ch tU are dnmk with Blood. hilt ur ,. en. Tvey hono11r, 111 other Creature~ 11fc- not Swords Buckl' }l?~s, .Hqrfes, Eagles, attfl _Limbs ,,e th;,,. Wtapons /om/ the Hrs, §'' nJ'r~mtnll 'o{W(Ir: Tbc1r Wings; !o 01/C i~ gtven S,;iftnifs; t;r ano~b~r' f};_m~/he~r Biils, fome thft1' mJ7t;g. J\o lrrotronn7 'Geatllre ~(etb a Sword' /S if.t, to "tbml, Swtf!!• Latcs of u'r Creation except MAN th d' ut Ref/ It felf Wtthznrhe /;etlvi'er Blame, beca11j/ he b,llfJ the gre reft J.~ Jlnot do, wh,cb brings the you'r 'Wars, and yo11r Wickednefs aJh a b f1 cr an rng. 10u mufl!e(lve b~ve me leave '"' Severity. 1 v:,ve ;~u~:~.~ ;a tift $.Y a ~w, if you would )bches, I haoe ov~1 come Ambtion 1 h ~ . ea ure, have ovcrco1ne tbt':J, toobjdlagain~ me Drunkenne''s batvbe mal ~ud Fllattery: Fear bath no· • ' 1 ~ J nOt'Jrn fOC'JaT .u a rmd Of me : I ave roon the Gar!antJ. . Ji.. l J . /tf updn me, Anger :rMs, 3 nd much .more, did he write i~ his 1i,Pt.zfif agrunH~ thefe Enemzes.7 Cothpl:itll[S, agaiiift the great iJe enerac fP1 ~to ermodonu, ofhts piftle to Jlphldmnu~, he wrj'res, j ~l!t [au!Jz Su~bA llii~}ianr, And manE· wbat{oever 11 Qj ur, if tt grt the Dom 11 P 1 Jmus, of a Drcpjie; of lfea~. u a Fever ; Excefs qf Cold z ro~ jfi becomer a Difeafe. Exuf$ hck: illy Difea[e comet1J from Excer. ~;M;.ftle \ Ex'I:~1.~ of Wind, a Cho· T H I N G D I V IN ,E b · b "' " 1 ute. "' ~Oul u S 0 M E t~e Nature oft11e World; 1~::w.k~~P: alit~[e 111 "due Prj1ortton, I ~no~ Health: I uuH curt my ft!f, ]lnfU f~ltftte :Sob I tnow ifeJfes; I !<now guabttes of 1bc World . But ij my B d b • w o ma~e~ equal the Inc• 1'/act ordamtJ; bowr;er, ntp ~OUl Qran ~;brr&''\:~ mug dtfcend to the ~lmott ar, 11)1111 al'cenll on !Jf@, lll!Jt~e an £e:~enrp11~8~:Jln8 l\fttiJ anyb:h~:·~~d~~~ w~~~~Jr }~~~~~eti~l Plf~ou:fe. They that :n~!' g'enerate Chriftiam; of'thefe Times wou~d b~~~ kn tt.V Oh l that the de~ Tempelanu, Zeal, Piety and Ft.mb ~f this lf: u a e a tew of the Virtue, lha[ heltved fi\•e Hundred Years befor th eacbcn, wQo, notwtthfhnding ba'il theft exctliNzt Sentenct~: yet aSain,e fie ~au o~:~i-a~f ghrifl in .the Flefh, by' rikJng away R,cbrq he rather alloweth theJ t h wi pdumlheth not them; for Poverty may be a Vail S e A: { 0 t e IC e to dtfcover which n~\'er fets. be ever btdtlen dr oUu;~f) j ~od, How can that Liglit phne O!ly upon Defrauders and Witnefl"es o( falfe,Th.fallb hu''tlhfiall feJze ppes to the End for that which is t q mgs. n e sa Man t'hat which is ~~fearchable. which C! o e hoped for, he !hall not find Hh. 6. Unlefs you believe You lha1l emensd a'franctent Pother, app!y'd td the Sacrifices of Crearur~, Do · you t~rtk u'j;er band. Heradu,n derided ,c!hleanfilde your felves, .bY polluting your fet~es n~iti:~I~~)ati.[t ~fod,Mand ou go Into the DJCt to cleanfe hi fi If. Wh· s 1 a art 1~68. v-y-.,_, Chap.XIX. ~puitual Worfui.p, thAn thor of I be Sa~rillc~s of 'Bb {tcu:ed d Srght of a.mo1e mtheAtoimtmns; hadaSightofhisE d· Ad ea s. He hved Solna.ry foheroJ0 yced inh Th·' n · n as hewaspreparedforn, without them be~A1 a l.e ctrtamly were the lh.en, who having not a Law ltom. 2. 1.._ or the.. Law w:itten inethei:~e:J;to t~edmfellves}: fhewing forth the Work . the c .6 r,s. "~'""» w:~o.lor that Re11Jon /haD J11d11e b . lrcurac:I on, and rrcetve tb# RrM1a!'d cf WE L l.-D (j N E h h"' """ ]Ndge 'f !/!..u1ck and /)uJ, E e 0 fi LXJI.i. |