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Show VoL~· llnblll ~ That we unto the Honour of Almighty G 0 D, and for the Salvation of~he Souls of our Progenitors, and our Succeffors, Kmgs of England, to the Advancement of Holy Church, and Amendment of o~r Realm, of out meet and free Will, have given, and !?ra~ted,.To. ~til .drcb~z!hops, &c. .And to all Free111tn of this o11r Realm, thofe Ltberues under-wntten, to be holden and kept in this our Realm of Englanl, for evermore. d We have granted, and j)ven ta. an Freeme/1 ~~ 0111' Realm, f{}f 1IJ IJII OIIT Heirr for evermore, tboje Libertzes Ulldtr-.r»fltten, to fave and to bold to tbem and to their Heirs, of m and our Ht~rs {ore·nam d. . A 'Freeman fhall not be Amerced for a fmall fault, bNt after the ~~ntzty of tbe F4ult : And for a great Fault, afur tbe M~m~er tpertof, favmg to him his Con tenements or Freehold. And a Merchant hkeWife !hall he Amerced {avin_g to hi• bi.tlt1trcbandize; and none of the fatd Amercements fhalibe alfelred, But by the O.rb of Good and Honefl Men of.tbe Vicin?ge. No Freeman !hall he taken, or i1r1prifoned, nor he D•lre1ze~ of h•s Freehold, or Liberties, or Free Cuftoms, or be Out·lawed or Ex1led, or ~ny bther Ways deftroyed ; nor we fball not Pafs upon him, nor Condemn h1m, But bJ LawfN/ Judgment of bit Pur~ or by the Law of the Land: We fha/1 fell to no Man; we fhallleny nor de1er to nt1 .Lllan, ettber Juflue or Rtgbt. And all thefe Cullom• and Liberties aforefaid, which we have granted to be holden wi1hin thi• our Realm, as much as appertaineth to Us, a~~ our Heirs we !hall obferve . and all Men of this our Realm, as well Spmtual as Te;,poral (as much 'as in them is) lhatl obferve the fame ag~inft. all Perfons in likewife. And for thi• our Gift, and Grant of thofe Ltherttes, and for other contained in our Charter of Liberties of our Fortfl: The Archbi{hops, BiChops, Abbots, 'Priors, Earls, Barons, Knights, Freeholders, and others our Subjelts, have given unto us the fifteenth Part of their Move- 3bles: .And UJt bave Granuil unto tbtm on tbe other Part, that neitbtr We, ttor our Heirs,jha/1 procure or do~:~'!)' Thing whereby tbe Liberties in this ChAr• ter contained, jholl De in/ringed or Drol<.en; and if any Thing be procured by any Perfon eontrary to the Premifes, it fh•/1 be held of no Force or. Effefl. Thefe being Witnell'es, Boniface Archbilhop of Canterbury, &:c. We radfy· ing and approving thofe Gifts and Grants aforefaid, Confirm and make Strong all the fame, form and our Heirs Perpetually, and by the Tenor of thefe Prefents do renew the fame willingly ; and Granting for Us and out Heirs, that this Chatter, in all, and fingular his Articles for evermore, ChaU he ftedfallly, firmly, and inviolably obferved. And if any Article in tbe fame Charter contained, yet hitherto peradventure barb nor been oDJervrd, nor hpt, '"Will, and by our Authority Roy•!, Command, henceforth firmly t~ey be objerved. Witnefs, etc. The Sentence of the Curfe given by the Bilhops, with the King's Confent, againft the Breakers of the Great Charter. !N tbe Tear of our I.orl, 12)3, tbe Third Day of May, in tbe Gre.t H•U of tbe King at Weftminller, in tbe Prejence, and by tbe Conjenr of tbe rJ Henry, by tbe Gr.ce of God, King of Englaml, •nd tbe Lord Richard, &rl of Cornwall, bH Brother; Roger Bigot, &rl of Norfolk, Mm:fh•l of England; Humphry, E4r/ of Hereford; Henry, &rl of Oxford; John, &rlWarren; and other Eftntes of the Realm of England: We Boniface, by tbe Mercy of God, Arcbbifh"l: of Canterbury, Primate of England; F. of London; H. of Ely; S. o Worcefler; E. of Lincoln; W. of Norwich j. P. of. Hereford; W. of atilbury; W. of Durham; R. ofExcefler; M. OJ C.rble; W. of Bath; E. of Rochefler ; T. •f St. Davids, Bijhopt, appartUtd it: Pa'}tificals, with T~per .burning, again/l the &takers of the cpurcbes L1Derrus, and of the Lzbert1ts and otbtr r:!ufloms of this Rettlm of England; and namely, tbofe that 11re contained in tbt Charter of the Common Libertitt of En_gla~d, and Charter of the Foreft,, have denounced Sentence# Excommumcauon IR this Form: By the Jturhonty 4 .Almigb!J God tbt; F~ tber, tbe Son, and tbe Holy Gbojl, &:c. of tbe Blt.f!ed Apofllts Peter anl Paul •nd VoL. I. The AuTao~'s LIFE; 2) and of_ all Apofllu, •nd of aU Martyrs, of B/effed Edward King ofE 1 d 11nd of nO the Somu of Heaven, We Excommununte and '.A.ccllrje n~Jt ' 167°• the Benefit of our Holy .Mother the Church, we fcq11efler aU tbof) t'b:r h~:= ~V nfttr wzUmgly and mab&~oujly depnve, or fpozl the Church fl/ her Rzght· ondoU rhoft tbnt hy any Craft, or Wzlltngnifr, do Violatt Break D1minijl. 0 'Ch the Churches Lzhtrlttt, and Free Cufloms cont~rntd 1~ the Ch:;t:,. o/~j; Common LtbtrJteJ, and of the Foreit, granted hy o11r Lord the Kmg to .JJ.rch~ hijhops, Bijhops, alid other Prelates of Ens_land, and bkewifc ra the Earls, Barons, Kmghts, and ether Freeho/Jers of the Realm; and all thor ftcretl and openly, by Deed, Word or CoJJnftl, do make Stat11ttr, or bhferve rbe~ bemg made, and that brmg m Cufloms, or keep them, when they he hroughtl1t, agamft tbe foul Lzhertzes, or any of tbtm; and ,all thoft that /haY prefume to Judge agomjJ them ; and all and every fuch Perfon, ht/ore-mentronerl tbot Wittingly }'hall commit any Tln~g of the Premifes, Itt them well know tha' they tncur the nforeJatd Sentence, tpfo faEl:o. t .A. Confirmation of the Chart err and Liberties o/England and of r'be Foreft · m•de tbe Twenty Fifth J(qr of Edward tbe Firjl. ' EDw.rd, by the Grace of God, King of Engl•nd, Lord of Ireland, Duke ?f Guyon, To all thofe thac thefe prefent Letters fhall hear or fee, Greettng. Know ye, That we to the Honour of G 0 D, and to the Profit of o~r Realm, have Granted for us, and our Heirs, that the Charter of u. herues,and the_Charter. of the F~reft, which were made by common Affent of all.the R~alm, m the Ttme ofKmg !fenry our Father, fball be kept in every Pomt, wnhout Breach : And we ~Ill that the fame Charter !hall be fent unde! our Sea!, as well to our Juflices ofthe Foreft, as to others, and to all Shenffs ofSh1res, and to all ?ur other qfficers, and to all our Cities through .. ou~ the Realm, together Wlt!t our Wnts, in the which it (hall be contain~ ed, th:lt they caufe the aforefa!d Chatters t? be Publifhed, and to declare to t~e People., that we have confirmed .t~em tn all Points:; and that our Juf. ttces, Shenfft, Mayors, and other Mtntfters, which under us have the Laws of our Land. to gutde~ fhal~ allow the ~arne Charters pleaded before them in Judgment, tn an thetr Pomts; that IS, to wit, the Great Charter, as the Common La~, and rh7 Charter of our Foreft, for the Wealth of our Realm. And we will, that 1f any Judgment be given from henceforth contrary to· th~ ~oints of the Charter aforefaid, by the Juftices, or by any other of our Mmtfi~rs, that hold Plea before them, againft the Points of the Cbarttr it fhall be undone, and holden for Nought. ' And we will that the fame Char.ters (hall be fent under our Seal, to Ca~ thedral Churches throu.g~out our Realm, there to remain, and fhall be read before the People two Times by the Year. And tbat all Archbilhops and Bilhops lha\1 pronouRce the Sentence of Excommumcanon a&amft all thofe that by Word, Deed, or Counfel, do con· rrary to the afor_efatd Charters, ?r that in any Point do break or undo them : And that the fa~d Curfe~ be twtce a Year denounced, and publHhed by the Prelates afo!e~atd; and tf _the fame Prelates,. or any of them, be remUS in the Denunc1at1?n oft!te fatd Sentences, the Archbifhops of Canterbury and York, _forth~ T~me betng, {hall compel and diftrain them to the Execution of thelf Duues 1n Form aforefaid. The Sentence of the C L E R G 1; againft the Bxeakers of the Articles above·mentioned. I N the Name. of the Farber, the Son, and the Holy Ghofl, Amen. WherttU ~ our Soverezgn Urd tbe Khf$, to the Honour of G 0 D, tmd of Holy C~11rcb! and f or tbe common Profit of the Realm, bath granttd for bim, tmd bu Hezrs for ~vtr, theft Artide.r ahove·wrutrn. Robcrr, Jircbhijhop of Canter~ury, Pnmatt of oil England, admonijhed aU /Jir Province onu, twiu ""d rhnce, hecauJe that Sbortnifs will not Juffer Jo tmtrb Delay, a1 to give E KnofllirJge |