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Show .An .A p p E N <]) I X to VoL. I . hleffed Spirit; There, I fay, is Babylon, t~at is,. Confufion: Ob, came out of her my People! faith the Lord, and I wtU recetve )'ou. · 11 "ft He that ca\lsGodhis Father, and is not born of G_od; he. that Cl s Chrt Lord and not by the Holy Spirit\ but mean whtle IS fervmg another Maf. rer : Tboii:, rilat attribUte to themfetves, the Words of the RegentrauJ, their Rev.elations and Experiences, when they are. yet Vnrefne';udfi t"d have no Part therein but endeavour in an thefe Thtngs, to rna e t em e V~l 3 fair Covering: Th~y fhall experience in the ~y of the Lord, that 1t lfa. 3c, t. (hall profit them Nothing: For, Wo to t!)(ift, fatd the Lord, that cover with 4 Cuvrring, and not oj my Spirit; that tttkt Onmfd, b111 not of_me. Let therefore, all rhofe chat are yet in Babylon, .haften out of her fpced!ly, and you tharareintheSuburbs of that great Ctty, haften you away; yea, make haft, with all Speed! Prepare your felves to me~t the La.m_b, your Bridegroom ; who comes now to you (who are _Mo11rnmg, H11ng r~ng_, ~nd Thirfting after Him) to lead you out of your bew1ldred States, to h1s 1avmg Light, and bleffed Appearance: fo~ now he fees you, and now he calls you, and knocks at your Doors to co~e m unto you: An~ therefore open ye un· Luke. 2. 7· to Him, and let Him in; Let Htm no longer lye m the A;fanger,, nor at your Doors\ but rather give Him your ~eart~, and let h!m Retgn over you as a Ki11g, for he has bought us wuh h1s. own Preczous Bloo~, and is therefore Worthy that we ferve and hon_our H1m, :md th~t he R~1gn O· John. 3• 16. ver us; and that he be our King and La~gtve~, w~o C?Ve ~u ou·n Lije f?r 11s, that we jhoJJIJ. nor perifo, bur have Everlaftmg Life tn l!tm. He ~as la1d down his Life for you, and can you not lay down your Sms for h1s Sak~; yea, for your own Sakes? Confider that he defcended from rhe Glory of ~IS Father to bring you to Glory· and can you not depart from the wzthermg Glory ~f this Wodd, that you' may inhe.rit his Glor_y) whi~h i~ ~verlafiing~ It is that Wrong, fJlfe felf in Man whtch only hmders tt, ~t ts that only whkh objeEts againft it, that confults. and endeav~urs to av01d the Crofs. This Self, has in all Times been defirous to_ be 1n gre~t Efieem, and has therefore, in all Ages, hind red Men _fro~ Dotng the Will of God on Earth, 41 it is in Heaven: But where Se!j ts dtfannulled, and Men have had no great Efteem for the Selfifh Part, but ~ave h~mbled themfelves to rhe Death of the Crofs of Cbrift, that he m1ght dehver them from rhe Wrath ro come, and give them tm Inheritance in the .Ki~g~om of hit Father, the~e the Will of God will be done on Earth, as It ts 111 Heaven, and therem will the Heavenly Father be glori~ed. On th_e conrrary, th.ofe that live in Sin, they are in Communion wt~h the De!1l, and dnnk ht~ Cup of Una righteoufnefs: which, however it IS fweet m the Mo~th, 1~ afterwards bitter in the BeUy. And though it be fweet here for a Ttt!le, .tt fhalla~ter· wards be crabbed and diftaltful. Agam, the Cup of Chnft lS here bttter in the Mouth, but fweet hereafter in the Belly : Here j011r, but here.after pfeg. jaHt: You, faid he, jhall weep and lament, b11t the World jhall re;oyce: but John. t6. 2o. obferve the End hereof, your Sorrqw fhall be turned znto Joy, but their ReloJ:~~~si~:~~~f~!~~he Word of Truth, No Man fhall enjoy the Cup ofBleffing, or drink out of the Cup of SJlvation, but he that has fidt drank of the Cup of Tribulation ; he that has firft known his Fellowfhip with the Sufferings ofChrift, and of his Holy Myftical Crofs: for t}Jofe that fuffer with him, fhall Reign with Him, and No Crofs, No Crown Cant. 8. S· Lean rhen upon his BreJft, for fo does the Bride in Spirit. Truft in ]et. 17· ~· Him, and not in Man, nor in your felves, for he will guide you heft, becaufe he is given you of God, to be your Heavenly Gqide. And ifit fhould be in a way under the Crofs, (which Way is proper to Him) yet, 'tis norwithftanding, a Way of Joy, and Pleafanrnefs, and all his holy Paths, are Peace to thofe that love Him. 0 therefore, feel his holy Draw· ings, and wait in his Light upon his Holy Movings in your Souls! Stand ;;~4.1 4· .f1i0 tmdfee hU Salvation wrought in you, by his own Arm: that you may .know him to be Jefus indeed; viz. A Saviour, as well from your Sins hert, as from the Wrath to come; and that he may preferv~ you from Vain Thoughts VoL. I. Thoughts, vain Words, and vain ConverfJ!iODJ., yea, from the voluntary No. XX. WorCbip of this World, and from the flavlfh rear of Man; To the End, ~ that he may work his own Work in you, and make you conforma· ble to his own bleffed Image; and that you may be made free by the Loi:d through the Power of his Everlafting Gofpel, which is now again fou11ded forth by his own Angel, to the Inhabitants of the Earth, calling with a loud Voice, Fear God, and give Glory ro him, for the Ho11r of bis Rev. 14, 6~· ]udg111ent if com~. And you .muft fee! thi~ J udgme~t in yo~r Hearts, that 7· the Prince of thts World, wnh all bu Evil Seed, wnh all hu wrong F.lllnts, and .Jppearances; may be judged in you; and that you may be Wirneffes Mat. 'i· '11 upon :Earth for God, and th;e Lamb, that Sics upon the Throne, · againft all Darknefs of Men and Devils; nay, againlt Death, HeH, and the Grave; and that God may b1efs you, with all Sorts of Bleflings in Chri!l Jefus. But yet I find my felf prefi'ed in Spirit, to give you one Warning more, ~iz. That you would nQt longer ufe vain Words, (though true in thcmfelves) becJufe they are worth nothing, for they take God's Name in vain, that ufe it without Life and Power: And I in treat all tbofe that endeavour to know God, and come up ro the true Life of his De;u Son, that you mJke no Profeffion of Worfhip, without the Feeling, Preparing, and 0Idering of the true and overcoming Power of God: for fuch Worlhip is not of God, and fuch Profeffors are Poor, Lean, Naked and Miferable Peo· ple; yea, they are only as Chaff among the Corn: And therefore beware you of that Woman Jezabel, thefalfe Propherifs, of whom the early Chrif. Rev. ~.· 20f tians were warned, who has the Words, but not the Life of the Son of God: Her Preaching tends to Death, fhe makes a Talk of the Sound and Fame of Wifdom (but will not afterwards harbour her, when ll)e cries in her Srrcets) fhe awJkcns none, fhe brings no Man to God ; fhe does nor build up in the Heavenly Work, nor adminifter the right SpirituJl Bread to rhe Soul :. For Chrifi: only is the Bread vyich gives Life Eternal, and thofe that will John 6. 3~1 eat of this Bread, muft firtt come to Him; let Him into their Hearts, as 33• 3h 'SI~ Lord and Malter, to provide and order his, to h_i.$ Praife, and as fuch mull: ~ebe received, when he appears in their Souls; even as a Refiner's Fire, and as a Fuller's Soap) to Purifie and Refine from all Unrighteoufnefs; yea, to Mal. 3• 2; reveJl unto Men their Sins, and dellroy the fame with the Brighrners of }).is Coming, and with the Spirit of his Mouth, in which no Deceit f? found. He is th~t Light in the Brighrnefs of hjs Coming, which you muft love and whofe Te!limony you muft keep, and he is the quickning Spitit, wbofe Breath of his Mouth revives the Soul, and deftroys the Sin that flays it: for all thofe that come to receive him in this Office, in rhis Way, and in this Work, fhall alfo know, that he is the Lamb of God, which taketb a- John r. ~9: . tvay the Sin of the World, the Spiritual Paffover, the Heavenly Bread, the j0~:6 llj· 1• true Vine, which bringethforth the New Wine of the Kingdom, rhe blef· 1 ~ . 1,' ~~· fed Olive-Tree; yea, the Tree of Life, and Eternal Salvation, which grows Rom. 11, 24-l in the Midft of the Paradife of God, whofe Leaves are for the Healing of Rc'l" • .2. 7, the Nations. This is a Salutatlon to you all, from the Holy and fervent Love which Gojl has poured into my Heart and Soul; who am in a Travail to help the Nations to be gathered to Chrifi, the Light and Sal~rion thereof, that m. do. 1; Zion may be the Joy and Jerufalem the Praift of the whole Earth. Amen, Ibid. 62• 1~ Amen. To the Children of Lr G H Tin this Generation, called of God to be Partakers of Eternal Life in JESUS CHRisT, the Lamb of G 0 D, and Light of the World. My Endeared Friends and Brethren, MJiNT Days and Wteks, ye-a, fome Months hatb my Hcttrt hten heavy, ro the C~llJ:. and my Soul11nufJJally fad for tbe Sa!u of this Nation, the Land of dren'f LJght; lilr J\ativity! For I have not onf] long b1be!d with a gritved Eye, tf'e 11f(111J tf;~ P• 120- Abomlnauons. ' ' |