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Show A Sellfonable Caveat againfi PoPEl\ Y: VoL.l F_.cc/rji,1fiicks, did prevail at Unjlance, for the Burning of their Prifoner.r, J Hufs &c. to whomfofe CondufJ was £1VCJt. . In n1~rt, If fl Man have taken an Oatb of ~Thing lawful and bontj11 and in his Power; ) 'CI,_ if it binders bin~ from dom: a grc~ter Goo_d. tbe PoP_e calf difpurfe t»ith u ; thus Can11s Bdhop of the Canarres, Relift. de pa:m· tent. · d. o · d'{j. 'fl;e Popes Dnmnc~ation a_gainjl an. ExcommJtmcate .cl'tncc,, 1 -engagu bis Subjdft from tlmr ObeJ,_encc; thiS was once our Cafe, as m enry the Eig/)1/J's Time, Concer. Eul. zn Ang/. fol. 336. . Nay, even before tbe &ntencc be dnzounced, tbougb the Sub;~O.r ar~ nor ho11nd 10 it, yet ftlW/Hlly they 11111) deny Obedunu to ( an Heretual Prznu, thus Greg. de Valencia. Tom. 3· Uifp. r .. Qp. 12. pund . ~· To conclude, the Ingenuity of Panonmtan and 111of,omur ?Ut·does all. The firfi Jffirming, 17Jat the Pope batb Power to dijpot.fe 1n all tbe Law: of God Cap: propotili de conceff. prebende, N. 20. The, fecond, with as much Zeal afitrting, .That rbe Pope ca_n Jifpenfe above Larv and Olltlinjl Law; for tbe Popes Tnhunal and Oot!'s u but one: And therefore ev~ry reafonllble creatllre .it Jubjcfl to rbe Pop_<• Empire~ as may be feen in his Diteourfe of the .Aiajejly oj tbe CbNrcb .hli!itant, &: in lib. 1. de fummo Pomif. X. Of Ecclefiaftical Hierar~hy. PJpift. wE firmly br/ieve, tbat oc~orJing .to Divine OrJ{nation ~n. tbe Catbolick Church, there zr an Hrcrarcby, confijlmg of Bijbops, Pricjls, and 111in;j1us. He gavcfome .Apoflles, Qnd(ome Prop~eu, and ot~trt P..'wngeiiflt, lind OJ bers P(l}lors and DoEfor s, to t be Con f11mmatzon oft he Smntt, unto tf•e Work of the Jllmiflry, unto the EJ.ifyi11g of the Bo4y of Cbrifl,. Ulltill rce aU meet in tbe Unity of Faitb, and zbe Knou:ledgc of the Son of GoJ, f:lc. It's 3 great Truth, that Bijbops, P_tif!or.r, Teachrrs, &c. were given by Cbrifl Jtfur, for the Work ot the .Mmj}lry; but what then? C3n RtJman· ijls make ufe of this co jufiify their moff in;11rio11J and tyrannical Hierarchy? Do the Scriptures of Truth tell us, that ever God gave lordly, prouJ, 1nd volupt110IIJ Popu, Cardinalr, Primaus, .Arcbbijhops, Deans, Chapters, l'ryars, ]l.:uns, (!i'c. for the edifyi11g of rbe Church, an.d BoJy of Cbrifl? The primi· tive BiOtops were to be blame!efs, not living mall Manner of UncleannelS; gentle, no Strikers, no Brawkrr, nor Perfecutors of their Brethren, :IS are the Popes of Rome ; apt co teach, not by roaring .611lJs to Excommunicate; to eat Jnd drink fuch Tbings as .were fet before them; nor rach.ing m1d grinding the J'irces of the Poor, rl:e Widowr, and ~be .1-fltberlefs, and extortin& 1heir Labours, to greatehtbcJr Revenues, to hve m Jd!eneJs, Pon!J and Lujl~ The Husb.:md but of one Wife, not Condemners of marryiRg oj one bone.ft Woman, and Difptnfers with as many Wborts as Lufi may require; Cardinal and Eminem Points and PraUices among the l~omanifis. In !hort, the Romijh Hierarchy is fo far from being fuited within the Order cf the Go fpc!, by them quoted in their Confefiion ; that the whole Defign of their Lordly Popes. Cardinoh, Arcbbifbops, Bijhops, ]ej11its, and Olher Friars of many Sorts1 (efieem'd of the RcligiQ.US Tiibe) is but to ovtr-baUancetbe Gvil Power, nnd render themfilves ..Maflers of the 5r.tords and Purfes of Princts, and Common·v.·eo!tbs, to maintain them in ]d}(71efs, Plem;·, and P!cll}itre; and to blind the Underftandings of.-tP.em they abufe, that they may abufe them as the Pbi!ifline.s did Samffoii, when they bad put out his Eyes, to anfwet their own wicked Ends, with the greater Se· curity. 'fo conclude, If we. wo111d not receive a Tbief, until be 1Jas repented: Let the Papift fi.rlt rcc.mt his vulumillour E'rrors (not known in Scipture, nor ever lKard of for Three Hundred Years together after Chrill.) But VoL. I. A Seafonablt Caveat againfl Poi'Ell.1". But :1bove all, /~ m have good Tef/iiiiOny of his hearty Sorrorr, for that Sea of B!ooJ, /bed m England, Ff3nce, Holland, Ireland, Spain ltalr s1 • voy, Swirzerland, ,md Germ:my, of rn::my Hundred Thoufands of 'poor Proujlunts, that for pure Confcience could nor conform to their moft ex .. orbi(:tnr Praaiccs, as we1l ::ts new DoElrines, impofi=d upon them: Such inhum:m and b:nbarous Inventions and Cruelti~s. as no Age could e\•er parallel; and are the only Demonftr:uions of their wicked Wits that liv'd m that; and that not only upon the Parties rhemfeh•es, but ;heir poor little, innocent H:~bes: For that Englijh Prou(lamr fhould fo fJr negted thefe weighty Confiderations, as to beg111/'d an·d cbrmed out of the Religion purchas'd them, by their Martyr'd Anceftors; 3nd perfuaded to embrace tbar Old, Bloody, Apofiatiz'd Church again, with all her 1lavilh, <Is well as ridiculous Supcrttirion, is a Crime fo ofFenfi\'e to G~>d, and intolerable to Men, as the Ti~e hafiens~ That the very Stones in zhe .::Jrreers i~:il/ rife up in }ttdgmem ngainfl rbt1n. · Thus while fO~e Proujlnn_ts (a~d tbofe chiefly con~erned in thefe AfFairs) are mofily bufied 10 perfecutmg Diffenrers; I hope u will not be ill refented, that one of them ha1, in the mean time, undertook (though witb. much Brevity) an Enervation of the Romanifl's Faith, 3t leafi a Dete8:ion of their Crafr, their horrid Couff:nage, and prefent Way of Infinuati6n 3 .. mongll the People. Bu[ we mu~ once more dt:clare, it is not to our PurPofe to bring th~m under Perfecuuon; but to prefem the People wirh fuch an Information, as mJy prevent them from ever ha\•ing Power co perfecute others. A ~ueflionary POSTSCRIPT. I H~re fubjoin thefe few folfowing ff!..uerirs, which if the Rom1mifli wtll fran.kly anfwer, and wirh that grave Sincerity that becomt:s fo weighty an Aff:1ir; we may ea,fily know whereabours they 3re. J, TVbether t« wg!Ji to belieVe ahd 11.ccepr dny Principle, as fulltlamentaUy Tr11.e and Ortbodox, Jbnt it not laid dor»n, t~nd 11-VOJicb'J to bt.-fllch, by euiduzt Scrrpture, and the mojl pure and primitive Tradition? ' If they fly, we ought, let them teiJ Us out of what Scripture we may read it; but if we ought not-- Then, II. Tflh(fher tbe DoUrine of Papal JnfJDihiliry; of Tr4'1t/llhjlantitrticn ; of Jbe Sacrifice of the .Mafs; of Images; of .Auric11!ar Confejfions; of lndu!sencer; af Praxers for the Dead; of P11rgt~rory; of PrM)'en in Latin; of their whole Ecclrjriz{lical Governmen__t, an_d prtttn4ed Rr!igio!'r .Or.ders; be alJowed or rccommenJcd as .iHauer of Cbrijllan Fazlh, and Difcrplme, hy Scripture and Ani iquiry ? If they are not to be found there, why Chould any be fo abfurd as to !ecch·e them ? if they are taken thence, let them affign us the Places bOt I\ m Scripture and primitive Antiquity; for the firft three hundred Ye:trs after Chrifi (and in fome Particulars much more) are whol1y filent in th~ ~::ttrer, 3ny farther zban to furnijh u.s wirb pregnant lnfiances againjfJhOfe ulle Dotage.s, and grofr Superflitions. But, III. Wbethtr in Cafe I hey to11!d not he ronformeJ to, they v:o11ld 110otv 4 Toleration, V:trl tbey por:rerfLrl? . lV. Whether inCaft they foould }ty YES,· we oug1Jt to be!ievt them? Since u's one of their moll frrcrcd .. Maxim1, Nor to keep F:dth wirh Hereticks; ~~ W<fs fetn in tbe Cnfe of tbqfc of rbe Alpine fTal/e}r,J. Hufs, &:c. and. ln that they. have in all Ages brougl*t fo grtat Delli$( o Blood upon tht Europeln lf'ork/. · · V JVImlur |