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Show -· ~ An A P P E N ']) I X, &.c. Voi.. I. and tVork of tbe Lord: And thefe can no rnore live without h.is Prefence, His Alyftict~1 and H1ddcn .Jllanna, in their Spiritual Journey, to the E'teotal (tmaan of God, than Qu~ward lfrae/ was able to live witllOU;t .iUan'!a in the Wildernefs, in their Journey to their Temporal Can1um. And I befeech my God and my FJthcr, and yQut God and y_our ~ather, Jlly De a~ Brethren, to attend all tllefe Holy 'Vairers upon h1m wah the C?ood Tbmgs of Hil Ho~je, and Daily make them Glad in Hi< Holy Houfe of Prayer. . Bur the Condition of fome, who pretend ~o follow C H ~_IS T, yet are af1t off aReas my Spirit; for they know lmte of rhefe EnJoyments, and hardly Ear fo much ttl rbe Crumbs -uhicb /ttU from Cbrifl't Table, and feerr\ ~o f:rdsfie them~elves wirh a lllcer C011vinceme11f of the Truth, or, at Utft, With a Bare COII/effiM to it. 'Vho takirtg up with a for_mal Going w M4:etings, and he:uing what ottuns have to f~y, of the '¥or~ and Goodnefs of God in and ro them, They fou~rttbtJ D111ly Crifs tJf Cbrra : Whereby they fhould Dyt Dailf_ to their' Earthly WiUr and v1in ./J.ffeUions, and Overtoml tbe World, 1be He/h, and 1he Devil. Oh ! There are 1\ill their own, and not tbt: Lord's; and gird themfeLves, and g6 lllbitbe'tr anJ do What they t;jl! For which Caufe shey are Lean, B11rrtn, and Un n~itf«l to God, and. to their own Souls; and Worfhip h,im in the Form onry, and not the P"t~r of Godlinefs; fuch mufi: needs be Wt11k in F,irb, rtndy to flip and flort ojidt 1ttvcry WinJ! DoUrint, or SenjMal TtmptatiM. Oh 1 My Dear Friends, let me prevail with you in this my Farewtll to jou, to tum your Minds in~ard, 3nd wait to feel your Redeemer, and meet llitn in tbe Way of his Righteous Judgments ; for there: is no Redemp[ion but tbro11gb ]Md.tment, not Converfwn, but rbroJitll R;tbJtolljnefs. Comt and be Bapriz~d by Chrifl ; H~ wm Baptize yo~ wich his. Fi~t and J:l•~J G!w.ft. He wtl1 Scower and Rmfe you ; for, bel1eve me, Hu l'itn H jltU m bis H11nd.; and be toiU, if you will ler him, lbrougbly pxrte bis ffqor, viz. rour Heartr, altd make all Things C/lan and NIUJ tbtrf, by his Spirh and. 'Power. So will you come to find your lnterefi ln Chrift, (l.t you fed J/is Workinanjhip and buertfl in, and wer you: And as you thus come- to bt related co Chtifr, the lleavenly Heml, (by knowing him t'o he Head;, yo11) fo will yo~ come to h~ related. to his :Sody, the Cfi11rcb, and fee you.r Pr1per .ftlembcrjhtp and Se'rvtce therem) wh1ch I pray God effeit; to his Glory, and your Comfort. And now to the whole Fa~ily and Flock of G 0 D, in this Europtillt Pm of the World, of the fame Communion, accordin~ to the Difpenfad· o~ of God, be they High or Low, To11ng or Old, Rich or Poor, Wife ot ~mrple, Stronx or Weak, Male or Female, Bond ot Free, I fend this Parting Sahlwion, of Ill~ molld;Jear Love in 1he TRUTH; befceching you all to have Ale and .iHme m your ~eme'mbrance, nor only when upon the Mi:hry Waten, but when in t:he Sobrary Dcferr.r of AmctiCJ, if it pleafe the Lord to bting us fafethilher: For I am not above the Love and Prayets of .My Dear Brethren, knowin~ I need them, and have often found by Good Ex· perience, TIJat tlJIJ avml much witb the Lord. ' I muft leave you, but I can never forget you; for my Love to you has heen, even as Dtroid's and Jon at bali's, above the Lcrve ofWumen: And fufFer lJle to fay, That, to my Power, lhave from the fitft endeavoured to· ferve )(_ou(and. my poor Count.ry too) and that at tl)Y own Charges, with an UP" r1ght M1nd, however md;.undcrftood and tteated by fame Whom I heartily .fur.~ive. Accept you my Services, and ever Love and Re1member, illy Dear Fnendi and Brethren, your Old, True; and. A1fcdionatc Ftiend Bl'othtr aod Servant, in Chrifi Jefus, ' ' C,.,s, Jfle of Wight, weighing Anchor, the 3d of the 7th Month, 1699. WIUmm Penn. Th• 'Eh!l of t}!e Appeodlx to tP. Author's Life; .T R U T I-i Exaited: . In A Short, But Sure TESTIMONY, Againfr all thofe Religions, Faiths; and Worjhips, That have been formed and followed in the ~atkntC~ of ~poftacp ~. AND For that G LORio us L1o HT which is now Rifen, and Shines forth, in the Life and DoCl:rine Of the Defpifed Q u A K E R s ' AS TH.E Alone Gdod Old Way of Life and Salva.tion.' Prefented to 'Princes, 'Priefts, and People, that they may Repent, Believe, and Obey. By WILLIAM P&NN, whom Divine LOVEconfrrains in an Holy Contempt, to trample on <fgppt'~ di5I0~1', not fearing the I(jng's Wrath, having beheld the MAJESTY of HIM who is Invifible. · LON'J)ON: Printed by the Affigns of J. Sow u. 1 7" 6. |